Arrow Electronics, Inc.

BIG-IP Access Policy Manager Training (3 days)


LÄNGE: 24 Hours (3 Tage)

PREIS: €3.300,00


This three-day course gives network administrators, network operators, and network engineers a functional understanding of BIG-IP Access Policy Manager as it is commonly deployed in both application delivery network and remote access settings. The course introduces students to BIG-IP Access Policy Manager, its configuration objects, how it commonly deployed, and how typical administrative and operational activities are performed. The course includes lecture, hands-on labs, interactive demonstrations, and discussions.


  • Configure remote access methods Network Access, Portal Access and Application Access and understand the differences and use cases for each
  • Configure APM and LTM to work together for advanced application delivery as well as understand the APM + LTM use case versus the remote access use case
  • Configure advanced policies using the Visual Policy Editor with all of its features such as macros, branches and multiple endings
  • Understand the role of iRules and how they work together with BIG-IP in general and APM in specific
  • Understand the role of Federated Single Sign-On using SAML and deploy a basic configuration
  • Configure multiple authentication methods and understand how they can work together in a single access policy
  • Set up, license, and provision the BIG-IP system out-of-the-box
  • Create, restore from, and manage BIG-IP archives
  • Use profiles to manipulate the way the BIG-IP system processes traffic through a virtual server


This course is intended for network administrators, operators, and engineers responsible for managing the normal day-to-day operation and administration of BIG-IP Access Policy Manager.


Students must complete one of the following F5 prerequisites before attending this course:

The following free web-based courses, although optional, will be very helpful for any student with limited BIG-IP administration and configuration experience. These courses are available at F5 University:

  • Getting Started with BIG-IP web-based training
  • Getting Started with BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) web-based training

 The following general network technology knowledge and experience are recommended before attending any F5 Global Training Services instructor-led course:

  • OSI model encapsulation
  • Routing and switching
  • Ethernet and ARP
  • TCP/IP concepts
  • IP addressing and subnetting
  • NAT and private IP addressing
  • Default gateway
  • Network firewalls
  • LAN vs. WAN

The following course-specific knowledge and experience is suggested before attending this course:

  • Hands-on experience with BIG-IP
  • Basic web application delivery (BIG-IP LTM)
  • HTML, HTTP, HTTPS as well as some CSS and JavaScript
  • Telnet, SSH and TLS/SSL
  • VPN or tunnel encapsulation, Layer 4 NAT and Access Control Lists


  • Getting started with the BIG-IP system
  • APM Traffic Processing and APM Configuration Wizards
  • APM Access Policies, Access Profiles
  • Visual Policy Editor, Branches and Endings
  • APM Portal Access and Rewrite Profiles
  • Single Sign-On and Credential Caching
  • APM Network Access and BIG-IP Edge Client
  • Layer 4 and Layer 7 Access Control Lists
  • APM Application Access and Webtop Types
  • Remote Desktop, Optimized Tunnels and Webtop Links
  • LTM Concepts including Virtual Servers, Pools, Monitors and SNAT’ing
  • APM + LTM Use Case for Web Applications
  • Visual Policy Editor Macros
  • AAA Servers and Authentication and Authorization with Active Directory and RADIUS
  • Endpoint Security with Windows Process Checking, Protected Workspace and Firewalls
  • iRules, Customization and SAML

Major Course Changes since v13
Configuring BIG-IP APM did not change significantly with version 13.1. Several labs were modified due to changes in Portal Access Support, and because when using Internet Explorer APM does not support Java App Tunnels.

Weitere Informationen

  • Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Kurse direkt beim Hersteller stattfinden und Arrow ECS Education nur als Vermittler auftritt.
  • Die Verfügbarkeit von freien Plätzen können wir trotz Ihrer Online-Buchung/Bestellung leider nicht gewährleisten.
  • Installation und Kursunterlagen sind Englisch.
  • Dieser Kurs ist nicht rabatt- und prämienprogrammfähig!
  • Bitte beachten Sie - der original Listenpreis des Herstellers beträgt 2995 USD. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, diesen Kurs in USD zu bestellen und zu bezahlen. Wenn Sie dies wünschen, geben Sie es bitte ausdrücklich im Kommentarfeld des Bestellformulars an.

Time Zone

09 Okt 2024

Virtual Classroom



Instructor Led Online

€ 3.300,00

04 Dez 2024

Virtual Classroom



Instructor Led Online

€ 3.300,00

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