Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Sale Terms


Class Registration Policy

Classes may be cancelled or rescheduled at any time due to low enrolment, or other reasons by Arrow Learning Solutions.

All Arrow Education Services Guaranteed To Run classes are scheduled in good faith. Arrow Education Services and Arrow ECS reserves the right to cancel any published, print and/or electronic, offering should there not be any registrants 12 business days prior to the scheduled offering.

Once a final determination has been made by Arrow that this course will run as originally scheduled OR will be cancelled, the appropriate notice will be sent to you via e-mail.  Class locations, as well as class start times on our website are known to change.  Arrow will supply the actual class location and start/end times for class if the class is confirmed to run.

Arrow strongly suggests that you do not book travel and/or accommodations until you receive final confirmation from Arrow that this class is guaranteed to run or in final confirmed status.  Arrow is not responsible for any travel, accommodations or other expenses incurred prior to official notification from Arrow that a course is guaranteed to run or confirmed in writing.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your registration for this class please note the following:

Public Session Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your registration for this class, please note our cancellation policy:

Registrations cancelled 12 or more business days prior to the start date of class are not subject to any fees or penalty. Registrations canceled less than 12 business days prior to the start date of class are subject to a fee or penalty equal to 100% of the original registration fee. No refunds will be made for payments already received.   All registration cancellation requests must be received in writing by Arrow at

Self-Paced Training

Self-paced training products (including, but not limited to, Arrow Self-Paced Training and IBM Self-Paced Virtual Classroom (SPVC)) are designed for individuals to study on their own schedule without the support of an live instructor .  Self-paced products may not be appropriate for students that require the guidance of a live instructor.

Thank you for registering for class with Arrow Learning Solutions.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Arrow Learning Solutions