Arrow Electronics, Inc.

AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure


LÄNGE: 40 Hours (5 Tage)

PREIS: €2 285,00


In diesem Kurs lernen Entwickler, wie sie End-to-End-Lösungen in Microsoft Azure erstellen können. Die Teilnehmer lernen, wie sie Azure Compute-Lösungen implementieren, Azure Functions erstellen, Web-Apps implementieren und verwalten, Lösungen mit Azure Storage entwickeln, Authentifizierung und Autorisierung implementieren und ihre Lösungen mit KeyVault und Managed Identities sichern. Die Teilnehmer lernen außerdem, wie sie sich mit Azure-Diensten und Diensten von Drittanbietern verbinden und diese nutzen können und wie sie ereignis- und nachrichtenbasierte Modelle in ihre Lösungen integrieren. Der Kurs deckt auch die Überwachung, Fehlersuche und Optimierung von Azure-Lösungen ab.


Die Teilnehmer dieses Kurses sind an der Azure-Entwicklung oder am Bestehen der Zertifizierungsprüfung zum Microsoft Azure Developer Associate interessiert.


    Hands-on experience with Azure IaaS and PaaS solutions, and the Azure Portal.
    Experience writing in an Azure supported language at the intermediate level. (C#, JavaScript, Python, or Java)
    Ability to write code to connect and perform operations on, a SQL or NoSQL database product. (SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Cassandra or similar)
    Experience writing code to handle authentication, authorization, and other security principles at the intermediate level.
    A general understanding of HTML, the HTTP protocol and REST API interfaces.
    If you are new to Azure and cloud computing consider one of the following resources:
    Free online: Azure Fundamentals
    Instructor-led course: AZ-900: Azure Fundamentals


 Für dieses Seminar werden folgende Vorkenntnisse empfohlen:

    Hands-on experience with Azure IaaS and PaaS solutions, and the Azure Portal.
    Experience writing in an Azure supported language at the intermediate level. (C#, JavaScript, Python, or Java)
    Ability to write code to connect and perform operations on, a SQL or NoSQL database product. (SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Cassandra or similar)
    Experience writing code to handle authentication, authorization, and other security principles at the intermediate level.
    A general understanding of HTML, the HTTP protocol and REST API interfaces.
    If you are new to Azure and cloud computing consider one of the following resources:
    Free online: Azure Fundamentals
    Instructor-led course: AZ-900: Azure Fundamentals

expand_more Detail-Inhalte
Module 1: Creating Azure App Service Web Apps
Students will learn how to build a web application on the Azure App Service platform. They will learn how the platform functions and how to create, configure, scale, secure, and deploy to the App Service platform.


    Azure App Service core concepts
    Creating an Azure App Service Web App
    Configuring and Monitoring App Service apps
    Scaling App Service apps
    Azure App Service staging environments

Module 2: Implement Azure functions
This module covers creating Functions apps, and how to integrate triggers and inputs/outputs in to the app.


    Azure Functions overview
    Developing Azure Functions
    Implement Durable Functions

Module 3: Develop solutions that use blob storage
Students will learn how Azure Blob storage works, how to manage data through the hot/cold/archive blob storage lifecycle, and how to use the Azure Blob storage client library to manage data and metadata.


    Azure Blob storage core concepts
    Managing the Azure Blob storage lifecycle
    Working with Azure Blob storage

Module 4: Develop solutions that use Cosmos DB storage
Students will learn how Cosmos DB is structured and how data consistency is managed. Students will also learn how to create Cosmos DB accounts and create databases, containers, and items by using a mix of the Azure Portal and the .NET SDK.


    Azure Cosmos DB overview
    Azure Cosmos DB data structure
    Working with Azure Cosmos DB resources and data

Module 5: Implement IaaS solutions
This module instructs students on how to use create VMs and container images to use in their solutions. It covers creating VMs, using ARM templates to automate resource deployment, create and manage Docker images, publishing an image to the Azure Container Registry, and running a container in Azure Container Instances.


    Provisioning VMs in Azure
    Create and deploy ARM templates
    Create container images for solutions
    Publish a container image to Azure Container Registry
    Create and run container images in Azure Container Instances

Module 6: Implement user authentication and authorization
Students will learn how to leverage the Microsoft Identity Platform v2.0 to manage authentication and access to resources. Students will also learn how to use the Microsoft Authentication Library and Microsoft Graph to authenticate a user and retrieve information stored in Azure, and how and when to use Shared Access Signatures.


    Microsoft Identity Platform v2.0
    Authentication using the Microsoft Authentication Library
    Using Microsoft Graph
    Authorizing data operations in Azure Storage

Module 7: Implement secure cloud solutions
This module covers how to secure the information (keys, secrets, certificates) an application uses to access resources. It also covers securing application configuration information.


    Manage keys, secrets, and certificates by using the KeyVault API
    Implement Managed Identities for Azure resources
    Secure app configuration data by using Azure App Configuration

Module 8: Implement API Management
Students will learn how to publish APIs, create policies to manage information shared through the API, and to manage access to their APIs by using the Azure API Management service.


    API Management overview
    Defining policies for APIs
    Securing your APIs

Module 9: Develop App Service Logic Apps
This module teaches students how to use Azure Logic Apps to schedule, automate, and orchestrate tasks, business processes, workflows, and services across enterprises or organizations.


    Azure Logic Apps overview
    Creating custom connectors for Logic Apps

Module 10: Develop event-based solutions
Students will learn how to build applications with event-based architectures.


    Implement solutions that use Azure Event Grid
    Implement solutions that use Azure Event Hubs
    Implement solutions that use Azure Notification Hubs

Module 11: Develop message-based solutions
Students will learn how to build applications with message-based architectures.


    Implement solutions that use Azure Service Bus
    Implement solutions that use Azure Queue Storage queues

Module 12: Monitor and optimize Azure solutions
This module teaches students how to instrument their code for telemetry and how to analyze and troubleshoot their apps.


    Overview of monitoring in Azure
    Instrument an app for monitoring
    Analyzing and troubleshooting apps
    Implement code that handles transient faults

Module 13: Integrate caching and content delivery within solutions
Students will learn how to use different caching services to improve the performance of their apps.


    Develop for Azure Cache for Redis
    Develop for storage on CDNs


Test und Zertifizierung

 Wichtige Information
Dieses Seminar behandelt prüfungsrelevante Themen zum Microsoft Examen: AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

Mögliche Zertifizierung: Microsoft Azure Developer Associate

Time Zone

05 Aug 2024





€ 2 285,00

05 Aug 2024




Instructor Led Online

€ 2 285,00

16 Sep 2024





€ 2 285,00

16 Sep 2024




Instructor Led Online

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11 Nov 2024





€ 2 285,00

11 Nov 2024




Instructor Led Online

€ 2 285,00

16 Dez 2024





€ 2 285,00

16 Dez 2024




Instructor Led Online

€ 2 285,00

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