Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Splunk Enterprise Administration Fast Start


LÄNGE: 32 Hours (4 Tage)

PREIS: €3.750,00


This course is designed for system administrators and administrators who are responsible :

  • for managing the Splunk Enterprise environment. The course provides the fundamental

knowledge of Splunk license manager, indexers and search heads. It covers configuration,

management, and monitoring core Splunk Enterprise components.

  • for getting data into Splunk Indexers. The course provides the fundamental knowledge of Splunk forwarders and methods to get remote data into Splunk indexers. It covers installation, configuration, management, monitoring, and troubleshooting of Splunk forwarders and Splunk Deployment Server components.

ONLY for customers with Splunk on-prem


Splunk Enterprise System Administration

Module 1 -  Splunk Server Deployment

  • Provide an overview of Splunk
  • Identify Splunk Enterprise components

  • Identify the types of Splunk deployments
  • List the steps to install Splunk
  • Use Splunk CLI commands
  • Module 2 -  Splunk Server Monitoring

    • Enable the Monitoring Console (MC)
    • Identify Splunk license types
    • Describe license violations
    • Add and remove licenses
    • Use Splunk Diag
    • Module 3 -  Splunk Apps

      • Describe Splunk apps and add-ons
      • Install an app on a Splunk instance
      • Manage app accessibility and permissions
      • Module 4 - Splunk Configuration Files

        • Describe Splunk configuration directory structure
        • Understand configuration layering process
        • Use btool to examine configuration settings
        • Module 5 - Splunk Indexes

          • Learn how Splunk indexes function
          • Identify the types of index buckets
          • Add and work with indexes
          • Overview of metrics index
          • Module 6 - Splunk Index Management

            • Review Splunk Index Management basics
            • Identify data retention recommendations
            • Identify backup recommendations
            • Move and delete index data
            • Describe the use of the Fishbucket
            • Restore a frozen bucket
            • Module 7 - Splunk User Management

              • Add Splunk users using native authentication
              • Describe user roles in Splunk
              • Create a custom role
              • Manage users in Splunk
              • Module 8 - Configuring Basic Forwarding

                • Identify forwarder configuration steps
                • Configure a Universal Forwarder
                • Understand the Deployment Server

                Module 9 - Distributed Search

                • Describe how distributed search works
                • Define the roles of the search head and search peers
                • Splunk Enterprise Data Administration

                  Module 1 -Introduction to Data Administration

                  • Provide an overview of Splunk
                  • Describe the four phases of the distributed model
                  • Describe data input types and metadata settings
                  • Configure initial input testing with Splunk Web
                  • Testing Indexes with Input Staging
                  • Module 2 - Getting Data In - Staging

                    • Identify Splunk configuration files and directories
                    • Describe index-time and search-time precedence
                    • Validate and update configuration files
                    • Module 3 - Configuring Forwarders

                      • Identify the role of production indexers and forwarders
                      • Understand and configure Universal Forwarders
                      • Understand and configure Heavy Forwarders
                      • Understand and configure intermediate forwarders
                      • Identify additional forwarder options
                      • Module 4 - Forwarder Management

                        • Describe Splunk Deployment Server (DS)
                        • Manage forwarders using deployment apps
                        • Configure deployment clients and client groups
                        • Monitor forwarder management activities
                        • Module 5 - Monitor Inputs

                          • Create file and directory monitor inputs
                          • Use optional settings for monitor inputs
                          • Deploy a remote monitor input
                          • Module 6 - Network and Scripted Inputs

                            • Create network (TCP and UDP) inputs
                            • Describe optional settings for network inputs
                            • Module 7 - Agentless Inputs

                              • Create a basic scripted input

                              Module 8 - Fine Tuning Inputs

                              • Configure Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) agentless input
                              • Describe Splunk App for Stream
                              • Module 9 - Parsing Phase and Data

                                • Identify Linux-specific inputs
                                • Identify Windows-specific inputs
                                • Module 10 - Manipulating Raw Data

                                  • Understand the default processing that occurs during input phase
                                  • Configure input phase options, such as source type fine-tuning and character set encoding
                                  • Module 11 - Supporting Knowledge Objects

                                    • Understand the default processing that occurs during parsing
                                    • Optimize and configure event line breaking
                                    • Explain how timestamps and time zones are extracted or assigned to events
                                    • Use Data Preview to validate event creation during parsing phase
                                    • Module 12 - Creating a Diag

                                      • Explain how data transformations are defined and invoked
                                      • Use transformations with props.conf and transforms.conf to:
                                        • Mask or delete raw data as it is being indexed
                                        • Override sourcetype or host based upon event values
                                        • Route events to specific indexes based on event content
                                        • Prevent unwanted events from being indexed

                                      • Use SEDCMD to modify raw data
                                      • Module 13 - Supporting Knowledge Objects

                                        • Define default and custom search time field extractions
                                        • Identify the pros and cons of indexed time field extractions
                                        • Configure indexed field extractions
                                        • Describe default search time extractions
                                        • Manage orphaned knowledge objects
                                        • Voraussetzungen

                                          To be successful, students should have a solid understanding of the following courses :

                                          • Splunk Power User Fast Start
                                          • Or the following single-subject courses:

                                            • What is Splunk?
                                            • Intro to Splunk
                                            • Using Fields
                                            • Introduction to Knowledge Objects
                                            • Creating Knowledge Objects
                                            • Creating Field Extractions
                                            • Inhalt

                                              System Administration

                                              Splunk Deployment Overview

                                              License Management

                                              Splunk Apps

                                              Splunk Configuration Files

                                              Users, Roles, and Authentication

                                              Getting Data In

                                              Distributed Search

                                              Data Administration

                                              Understand sourcetypes

                                              Manage and deploy forwarders

                                              Configure data inputs

                                              Fire monitors

                                              Network inputs (TCP/UDP)

                                              Scripted inputs

                                              HTTP inputs (via the HTTP Event Collector)

                                              Customize the input phase parsing process

                                              Define transformations to modify data before indexing

                                              Define search time knowledge object configurations

                                              Test und Zertifizierung

                                              Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin (Prereq for this cert is the: Splunk Core Certified Power User)

                                              Weitere Informationen

                                              NOTE: Make sure to complete a module within a 4 hour time range, do not start a module one day and then end the next day)


                                              Network Secu

                                              Data Intelligence AI


                                              Time Zone

                                              26 Aug 2024

                                              Virtual Classroom


                                              Instructor Led Online

                                              € 3.750,00

                                              16 Sep 2024





                                              € 3.750,00

                                              16 Sep 2024

                                              Virtual Classroom



                                              Instructor Led Online

                                              € 3.750,00

                                              21 Okt 2024

                                              Virtual Classroom


                                              Instructor Led Online

                                              € 3.750,00

                                              25 Nov 2024





                                              € 3.750,00

                                              25 Nov 2024

                                              Virtual Classroom



                                              Instructor Led Online

                                              € 3.750,00

                                              09 Dez 2024

                                              Virtual Classroom



                                              Instructor Led Online

                                              € 3.750,00