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Arrows værdifulde partnerskab med IT branchens markedsledende hardware og software leverandører gør at vi hos Arrow Education er i stand til at tilbyde dig et stort udvalg af officielle IT kurser og certificeringer - som vil hjælpe jer med at opnår jeres forretningsmål.

Fortinet Authorized Training Centers

Fortinet ATC logoArrow is a Fortinet Authorized Training Center. As ATC we can deliver cybersecurity training in local languages using curriculum developed for the Fortinet NSE Certification Program. We have exclusive trainers for NSE 4 courses as well as delivering courses for NSE 5-7. Courses are delivered in both classroom and online formats and offer the same top-quality training you would receive from Fortinet directly.

New Fortinet NSE Certifications: FCP, FCSS, FCX

NSE Certification Program Prepares Professionals for Critical Cybersecurity Careers. If you aim for one of the Fortinet certifications, you will find everything you need at Arrow Education – and of course we help if you have questions on a track or how to best prepare for an exam.




Fortinet Marketing Innovation Award 2022 logo2024 Authorized Training Center Awards

Fortinet's ATC awards recognize exceptional achievements in quality of training delivery, customer experience, and more. Arrow demonstrated commitment to helping customers achieve success in a digital world and play a critical role in addressing the skills gap affecting the cybersecurity industry. Arrow Education wins the Fortinet Marketing Innovation Award.


PDF icon2024 Cybersecurity Skills Gap

The impact of the cybersecurity skills gap report from Fortinet: new cyber research on key concerns, recruitment, diversity, and security awareness.


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The Evolution of NSE

Fortinet Expands its NSE Certification Program to Address Evolving Cybersecurity Skillset Needs.

Discover the new Fortinet NSE Program and how Arrow ECS Education is providing you all the associated training for the new Fortinet Certifications.


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New Fortinet course: FCP - FortiGate Administrator!

This training replaces the old NSE4 training


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16 Hours (2 dage)
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