Arrow Education reçoit la certification QUALIOPI
La certification QUALIOPI permet à nos clients de faire financer les formations de leurs collaborateurs par les organismes financeurs.
CODE: W61001TG
DURÉE: 0,24 Hours
PRIX H.T.: Gratuit
IBM Watson and Cloud Platform Technical Enablement course.
In this course you will learn about IBM Watson, the IBM Cloud, and some of the Watson services. Did you know that you could earn a Watson & Cloud Foundations knowledge badge? By completing the requirements of this course, you are entitled to the badge!
This badge earner has a foundational understanding of IBM Watson and IBM Cloud. The individual can articulate how IBM Watson is Data and AI for smarter business, how IBM Cloud supports IBM Watson services, what are the IBM Watson Data and AI services, and how to implement an IBM Watson service on the IBM Cloud.
Skills: IBM Watson, IBM Cloud, Cognitive, NLP, Natural Language Processing, AI, Artificial Intelligence
Duration : 2,5 h