Arrow Education reçoit la certification QUALIOPI
La certification QUALIOPI permet à nos clients de faire financer les formations de leurs collaborateurs par les organismes financeurs.
DURÉE: 16 Hours (2 Jours)
PRIX H.T.: €1 500,00
This course guides students through the fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Statistics for typical data analysis. Students will learn the basics of reading data, data definition, data modification, data analysis, and presentation of analytical results. In addition to the fundamentals, students will learn shortcuts that will help them save time. This course uses the IBM SPSS Statistics Base; one section presents an add-on module, IBM SPSS Custom Tables.
Introduction to IBM SPSS Statistics
Reading data and defining metadata
Selecting cases for analyses
Transforming variables
Using functions to transform variables
Setting the unit of analysis
Merging data files
Summarizing individual variables
Describing the relationship between variables
Creating presentation-ready tables with Custom Tables
Customizing pivot tables
Working with syntax
Controlling the IBM SPSS Statistics environment
New users of IBM SPSS Statistics Users who want to refresh their knowledge about IBM SPSS Statistics Anyone who is considering purchasing IBM SPSS Statistics
Knowledge of your business requirements
Introduction to IBM SPSS Statistics
Reading data and defining metadata
Selecting cases for analyses
Transforming variables
Using functions to transform variables
Setting the unit of analysis
Merging data files
Summarizing individual variables
Describing the relationship between variables
Creating presentation-ready tables with Custom Tables
Customizing pivot tables
Working with syntax
Controlling the IBM SPSS Statistics environment