DURÉE: 14 Hours (2 Jours)
PRIX H.T.: €1 490,00
The Value Stream Management Foundation course from Value Stream Management Consortium, and offered in partnership with DevOps Institute, is an introductory course taking learners through a value stream management implementation journey. It considers the human, process, and technology aspects of this way of working and explores how optimizing value streams for flow and realization positively impacts organizational performance.
People working in an organization aiming to improve performance, especially in response to digital transformation or disruption. Any roles involved in the creation and delivery of products or services:
None, although having a working knowledge of lean, agile, DevOps, and value stream principles will be useful.
Successfully passing (65%) the 60-minute examination, consisting of 40 multiple-choice questions, leads to the candidate receiving their Value Stream Management Foundation certification and digital badge. The certification is governed and maintained in partnership with DevOps Institute.