Arrow Education reçoit la certification QUALIOPI
La certification QUALIOPI permet à nos clients de faire financer les formations de leurs collaborateurs par les organismes financeurs.
DURÉE: 16 Hours (2 Jours)
PRIX H.T.: €1 440,00
This course teaches students how to transform traditional (monolithic) WebSphere applications to run in a containerized environment–Red Hat OpenShift–by using WebSphere Hybrid Edition. It covers two key reference implementations:
Operational Modernization: Repackage the application to deploy in a container while maintaining the monolithic architecture. This solution does not require changes to the application or runtime. It uses Transformation Advisor (part of WebSphere Hybrid Edition) to assess the application, and the Runtime Operator to manage the containerized application on Red Hat OpenShift.
Runtime Modernization: Update the application to run on Open Liberty, a modern cloud-native runtime. Modernize some aspects of the application by taking advantage of MicroProfile specifications. This solution uses Transformation Advisor (part of WebSphere Hybrid Edition), and the Open Liberty Operator to deploy and manage the modernized application on Red Hat OpenShift.
The primary audience for this course is the Application Developer. Their company is driven by the need to build new capabilities and deliver them quickly. Modernizing applications can provide the immediate benefits of improving developer productivity and operational efficiency.