LENGTH: 24 Hours (3 days)
PRICE: kr22 000,00
Course Overview:
NetsScaler AppFirewall protects web apps and sites from known and unknown attacks. This three-day course will teach you how to address application services security requirements with AppFirewall. After studying AppFirewall, you’ll learn about many different types of web attacks and vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection and cookie tampering, and how to protect against them. The course also covers policies, profiles and expressions; monitoring, management and reporting; and troubleshooting techniques. Highlighted features include the Adaptive Learning Engine and NetScaler Secure Insight. This advanced course is designed for IT professionals with previous NetScaler experience.
Is this course for you?
Designed for students with previous NetScaler experience, this course is best suited for individuals who will be deploying and/or managing Citrix NetScaler Application Firewall (AppFirewall) in Citrix NetScaler environments.
Recommended prerequisite courses:
?Citrix also recommends an understanding of the following concepts and technologies:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Module 1: AppFirewall Overview
• AppFirewall solution Security Model
• Common Attacks Overview
• PCI-DSS Compliance
Module 2: AppFirewall Policies and Profiles
• Profiles
• Policies
• Engine Settings
• AppFirewall Learning
Module 3: Regular Expressions
• Forms of Regular Expressions
• Using Regular Expressions
• Meta/Literal Characters
• PCRE • RegEx Tools
• Regular Expression Scope
Module 4: Attacks and Protections
• Data Flow with AppFirewall
• Security Checks
• AppFirewall Actions
• Adaptive Learning
• Signatures
• Cookie Protection
• Advanced Form Protection Checks
• URL Protections
Module 5: AppFirewall Monitoring and Troubleshooting
• AppFirewall and Web Applications
• Logging and Reporting •
Customizing Errors
• Troubleshooting
• NetScaler Security Insight
Module 6: Security and Filtering
• IP Reputation
• Rate Limiting
• AppQoE • HTTP Callout
As part of this course, students will receive the following materials: