Arrow Electronics, Inc.

IBM Watson OpenScale Methodology

CODE: W7069G

LENGTH: 6,48 Hours

PRICE: kr2 510,00


You will learn how Watson OpenScale lets business analysts, data scientists, and developers build monitors for artificial intelligence (AI) models to manage risks. You will understand how to use Watson OpenScale to build monitors for quality, fairness, and drift, and how monitors impact business KPIs. You will also learn how monitoring for unwanted biases and viewing explanations of predictions helps provide business stakeholders confidence in the AI being launched into production. Note: This course contains the same topics as 6X240G IBM Watson OpenScale on IBM Cloud Pak for Data WBT.


Introduction to IBM Watson OpenScale Watson OpenScale architecture Get started with Watson OpenScale Overview of Watson OpenScale monitors Explore a use case Build and configure the fairness monitor Configure the quality monitor Detect drift and configure the drift monitor Configure application monitors


Analysts, Developers, Data Scientists and others who need to monitor machine learning jobs


Basic knowledge of cloud platforms, for example IBM Cloud Basic understanding of machine learning models, and how they are used


Introduction to IBM Watson OpenScale Describe the problem that Watson OpenScale solves Describe models, monitors, workflow Describe AIF and AIE 360 toolkits Describe workflowWatson OpenScale architecture Describe Watson OpenScale architecture on IBM Cloud and on IBM Cloud Pak for Data Describe how Watson OpenScale works with other cloud servicesGet started with Watson OpenScale Provision from catalog Start working with Watson OpenScaleOverview of Watson OpenScale monitors Identify the different Watson OpenScale monitors Define how the different monitors are usedExplore a use case Prepare the model for monitoringBuild and configure the fairness monitor Features to monitor Values that represent a favorable outcome of the model Reference and monitored groups Fairness thresholds Sample size Insights and explainabilityConfigure the quality monitor Quality alert threshold Sample size Insights and explainabilityDetect drift and configure the drift monitor Alert threshold Sample size Insights and explainabilityConfigure application monitors Configure application monitors Configure KPI metrics in Watson OpenScale Configure event details Access and visualize custom metrics

Session Dates
Time Zone

01 jul 2024


Web based Training

kr 2 510,00

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