Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Configuring & Monitoring NetApp E-Series Storage Systems


LENGTH: 32 Hours (4 days)

PRICE: kr38 600,00


In this course, you learn how to recommend configurations based on a pre-deployment assessment for a new NetApp E-Series or EF-Series storage system. In the deployment phase, you use both the NetApp SANtricity® storage management and system management software to create the configuration, perform administrative tasks, and employ data protection features. During post-deployment, you use SANtricity system management software to collect storage system information for trend analysis, troubleshooting, performance monitoring, and tuning.


This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:
• Identify and use administrative and support tools for E-Series storage systems
• Install SANtricity Storage Manager software on a host platform
• Recommend and create logical configurations on E-Series storage systems
• Manage volume group and dynamic disk pools using SANtricity System Manager
• Perform routine E-Series administrative tasks using SANtricity System Manager
• Configure and administer E-Series features such as SANtricity Snapshot image, volume copy, and mirroring technologies
• Collect E-Series storage system information such as the event log, profile, and support bundle


This course is designed for Professional Services workers who are NetApp employees, NetApp partners, or NetApp customers.


Basic Windows administrative experience plus technical Overview of NetApp E-Series Storage Systems


Module 1: Introduction to E-Series and EF-Series Storage

E-Series and EF-Series storage products
SANtricity management interfaces
SANtricity storage manager
SANtricity unified manager
System manger overview

Module 2: E-Series and EF-Series Functionality

Configuration and I/O Operations
Cache and battery operation
Data assurance
Media scan
Drive security

Module 3: Configuration Concepts and Initial Setup

Host-Side configuration concepts
Disk-side configuration concepts
Pool and volume group configuration concepts
Initial setup steps
Additional setup steps


Module 4: Volume Group Administration

Volume groups
Creating volume groups and volumes
System administration tasks
Managing volume group disks

Module 5: Pools Administration

Creating unsecured disk pools and volumes
Creating secure pools
System administration tasks
Managing disk pool disks

Module 6: SSD Cache Administration

SSD Cache overview
SSD Cache administration

Module 7: Snapshot Administration

The SANtricity Snapshot Feature
Snapshot administration
Snapshot volume operational sequences
Snapshot volume administration
Snapshot consistency group administration


Module 8: Copy Volume Function

Copy volume function overview
Copy volume administration

Module 9: Mirroring Administration

Mirroring technology
Synchronous mirroring
Synchronous mirroring administration
Asynchronous mirroring
Asynchronous mirroring administration
SANtricity feature considerations

Module 10: Data Collection and Monitoring

Resources for collection and monitoring
Storage array component information
AutoSupport support tool
Informational files
Performance monitoring

Module 11: General Administrative Tasks

General administrative tasks
Alert management
Storage array, controller and drive tasks
Managing upgrades

Test and Certification

This course is part of the NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer (NCIE) – SAN Specialist (E-Series) certification

Session Dates
Time Zone

07 apr 2025

Virtual Classroom (GMT / UTC)



Instructor Led Online

kr 38 600,00

26 aug 2025

Virtual Classroom (GMT / UTC)



Instructor Led Online

kr 38 600,00

13 okt 2025

Virtual Classroom (GMT / UTC)



Instructor Led Online

kr 38 600,00

We also offer sessions in other countries