Arrow Electronics, Inc.

IBM Requirements Management DOORS 9.7 (DOORS Classic) - Reviewer

Kod: ZL1_U4ZDR97

Czas trwania: 8 Hours (1 day)

Cena netto: zł17 000,00

Opis szkolenia

This course is intended for those who will work with existing requirements data in DOORS, often provided by third parties who define or elaborate requirements. Topics discussed and practiced include navigating and viewing requirements data, creating and analyzing traceability relationships, generating reports and using DOORS baselines.

Cel szkolenia

After completing this course, participants should be able to..


• Explain what DOORS is
• Explain key DOORS concepts and terminology
• Navigate DOORS databases
• Work with DOORS modules
• Work with objects, attributes, and properties
• Work with Views and Filters
• Understand Discussions
• Analyze traceability links between DOORS objects
• Generate reports and export data
• Understand and view baselines


  • Business Analysts
  • System and Software Engineers
  • Requirements Engineers, Managers and Team Leaders

Program szkolenia

1. About this course
2. What is DOORS?
3. Key concepts and terminology
4. Navigation
5. Formal (Requirements) modules
6. Views and Filters
7. Discussion overview
8. Analyzing links between DOORS objects
9. Reporting and export
10. Viewing baselines


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