Arrow Electronics, Inc.

IBM Enterprise Records 5.1 - Records Management

Kod: F174G

Czas trwania: 16 Hours (2 days)

Cena netto: zł4 300,00

Opis szkolenia

This course is for those whose job includes responsibility for designing the file plan for an IBM Enterprise Records system and making decisions regarding record retention, disposition, and security. You use the IBM Enterprise Records web application to learn core skills, such as declaring and managing records. Then, you learn to design and create a file plan that meets specific records management goals. You work with a records administrator, an installer, a database administrator, and a programmer. You must be able to organize and communicate records management system requirements to the other roles.

You work with a fully functioning IBM Enterprise Records system to practice the skills required for managing records and designing file plans for records management.

Cel szkolenia

  • Declare and manage records using basic configurations
  • Design a functional and efficient records management file plan and coordinate its development and deployment


This intermediate course is for anyone who manages records and who is responsible for planning the records management strategy for their organization that uses IBM Enterprise Records.

Wymagania wstępne


Program szkolenia

  • Identify the capabilities of IBM Enterprise Records
  • Identify the role of IBM Enterprise Records in an enterprise compliance solution
  • Identify and search for records that are ready for disposition
  • Declare electronic records
  • Create and apply disposition schedules
  • Apply alternate retentions
  • Work with file plan containers
  • Place and remove holds
  • Coordinate file plan development
  • Core file plan design concepts
  • Create a functional classification file plan
  • Create a retention model file plan
  • Create a case model file plan
