Arrow Electronics, Inc.

AIX Implementation and Administration Part 2 (Digital course)

Kod: AN12D2DG

Czas trwania: 16 Hours

Cena netto: zł4 950,00

Opis szkolenia

Students perform AIX management tasks like scheduling jobs, system backups, starting up and shutting down the system, installing AIX, software maintenance tasks, and TCP/IP configuration. This course is the second of a sequence of two courses covering basic AIX management tasks.

Cel szkolenia

  • Utilize administrative subsystems, including Cron, to schedule system tasks
  • Create and restore system backups
  • Perform system startup and shutdown
  • Install the AIX operating system
  • Perform AIX software maintenance tasks
  • Perform AIX network configuration


Enrollment in this course is not restricted.

Program szkolenia

  • Unit 1: Scheduling
  • Exercise 1: Using Scheduling
  • Unit 2: Backup and recovery
  • Exercise 2: Backup and recovery
  • Unit 3: Startup and shutdown
  • Exercise 3: Startup and shutdown
  • Unit 4: AIX and software installation
  • Exercise 4: AIX and software installation
  • Unit 5: AIX installation options
  • Exercise 5: AIX installation options
  • Unit 6: TCP/IP implementation
  • Exercise 6: TCP/IP implementation
  • Unit 7: AIX Live Update Video Demo
  • Badge Quiz

Strefa czasowa
Typ szkolenia
Cena netto


Self Paced Training

zł 4 950,00

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