Arrow Electronics, Inc.

IBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Fundamentals (v11.0.x) SPVC

Kod: J4158G

Czas trwania: 24 Hours

Cena netto: zł6 650,00

Opis szkolenia

Contains PDF course guide, as well as a lab environment where students can work through demonstrations and exercises at their own pace.

This offering provides Business and Professional Authors with an introduction to report building techniques using relational data models. Techniques to enhance, customize, and manage professional reports will be explored. Activities will illustrate and reinforce key concepts during this learning opportunity.

If you are enrolling in a Self Paced Virtual Classroom or Web Based Training course, before you enroll, please review the Self-Paced Virtual Classes and Web-Based Training Classes on our Terms and Conditions page, as well as the system requirements, to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for this course.

Cel szkolenia

• What is IBM Cognos Analytics – Reporting• Examine dimensionally modelled and dimensional data sources• Examine personal data sources and data modules• Examine List reports• Aggregate measure/fact data• Use shared dimensions to create multi-fact queries• Add repeated information to reports• Create crosstab reports• Create complex crosstab reports• Format, sort, and aggregate data in a crosstab report• Create discontinuous crosstab reports• Create Visualization reports• Add business logic to reports using IBM Cognos Analytics – Reporting• Focus reports using filters• Focus reports using prompts• Augment reports using calculations• Extend report functionality in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting• Customize reports with conditional formatting• Conditionally format one crosstab measure based on another• Drill-through definitions• Enhance the report layout• Use additional report building techniques


Report Authors

Wymagania wstępne

• Knowledge of your business requirements• IBM Cognos Analytics for Consumers (v11.0) WBT or equivalent knowledge

Program szkolenia

What is IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting?• Create a simple list report• Create a report from a dimensionally modeled relational data sourceExamine personal data sources and data modules• Upload personal data• Upload custom images• Use navigation paths• Create a report from a personal data sourceExamine list reports• Group data in a list• Format columns in a list• Include headers and footers in a list• Enhance a list reportAggregate measure/fact data• Identify differences in aggregation• Explore data aggregationUse shared dimensions to create multi-fact queries• Create a multi-fact query in a list reportAdd repeated information to reports• Create a mailing list reportCreate crosstab reports• Add measures to a crosstab• Data sources for a crosstab• Create a simple crosstab reportCreate complex crosstab reports• Add items as peers• Create crosstab nodes and crosstab members• Create a complex crosstab reportFormat, sort, and aggregate data in a crosstab• Sort, format, and aggregate a crosstab reportCreate discontinuous crosstab reports• Present unrelated items using a discontinuous crosstabCreate a visualization report• Create and format a visualization report• Create a report that uses a Map visualization• Show the same data graphically and numericallyFocus reports using filters• Apply filters to a report• Apply a detail filter on fact data in a report• Apply a summary filter to a reportFocus reports using prompts• Create a prompt by adding a parameter• Add a value prompt to a report• Add a Select & search prompt to a report• Create a cascading promptAugment reports using calculations• Add calculations to a report• Display prompt selections in the report titleCustomize reports with conditional formatting• Create a multilingual report• Highlight exceptional data and conditionally render a columnDrill-through definitions• Let users navigate to related data in IBM Cognos AnalyticsEnhance report layout• Create a report structured on data items• Create a condensed list reportUse additional report building techniques• Section a report and reuse objects within the same report• Reuse layout components in a different report• Explore options for reports that contain no data

Strefa czasowa
Typ szkolenia
Cena netto

16 wrz 2024


Self Paced Training

zł 6 650,00