DÉLKA: 8 Hours (1 den)
CENA: Kč bez DPH 16 000,00
Školení je vedené virtuálně v angličtině.
Cena kurzu je 795 EUR a bude přepočtena aktuálním kurzem v poslední den školení.
Course Description
In this 1-day instructor-led classroom or online class, you will learn basic configuration and administration aspects of the FortiAnalyzer appliance. Through interactive modules, you will explore device management, system settings, logs and archives, and configure both predefined and ad hoc reports.
The course provides a solid understanding of how to integrate FortiAnalyzer into your network awareness infrastructure.
This is part of preparation for the NSE 5 certification exam. Exam voucher is not included!
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Describe key features and concepts of FortiAnalyzer
Deploy an appropriate architecture
Manage ADOMs on both FortiAnalyzer and the devices that log to it
Configure RAID
Register supported devices
Encrypt log transmission (SSL / IPSec)
View & analyze current and historical logs (FortiView)
Monitor events
Apply disk quotas to log data from devices
Backup, restore, and forward log data
Use content archiving (summary and full)
Understand the different stages of data processing, from receiving logs to compiling reports
Understand SQL queries and datasets used by FortiAnalyzer reports
Design datasets, charts, and custom reports
Generate reports by schedule or on demand
Anyone who is responsible for day-to-day management of a FortiGate appliance.
Students must master these courses before attending FortiGate Multi-Threat Security Systems II.
FortiOS knowledge up to the level of FortiGate MultiThreat Security Systems I (FGT I)
Knowledge of the SQL 'select' syntax is helpful.
Module 1 Overview
Module 2 Configuration and Administration
Module 3 Device Registration
Module 4 Logs and Acrchives
Module 5 Reports