Kód: NUT_ECA_5.15
DÉLKA: 32 Hours (4 DENNÍ)
CENA: Kč bez DPH 97 000,00
Školení je vedené v angličtině zahraničním lektorem virtuálně - virtual classroom.
Cena školení je 37 750 Kroner bez DPH - tato cena bude při fakturaci přepočtena aktuálním kurzem.
The Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) 5.15 course enables administrators (system, network, and storage) to successfully configure and manage Nutanix in the datacenter.
The course covers many of the tasks Nutanix administrators perform through the use of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and command line interfaces (CLIs).
It also provides insight into a Nutanix cluster’s failover and self-healing capabilities, offers tips for solving common problems, and provides guidelines for collecting information when interacting with Nutanix Support.