Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Splunk - Administration Fast Track

Kód: SPL_04

DÉLKA: 40 Hours (5 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 105 000,00


Vidíme data - všude.
Získáte přehled, který zlepší produktivitu, ziskovost, konkurenceschopnost a bezpečnost vašeho podnikání.
Díky školení softwaru Splunk prohloubíte znalosti o své organizaci a svých zákaznících, zmírníte informační bezpečnostní rizika, zabráníte zneužití svých dat, zlepšíte úroveň poskytovaných služeb a zredukovat náklady.
Školení je vedené v angličtině zahraničním lektorem formou VCL - virtual classroom.
Cena školení je 3 990 EUR bez DPH - tato cena bude při fakturaci přepočtena aktuálním kurzem.

Course price is 3 990 EUR without VAT - price will be converted to actual change rate.
This five-day face-to-face training includes key lessons for Splunk customers and prepares them for the Splunk Certified Power User and Splunk Certified Admin exams. This series includes the following courses:
Splunk Fundamentals 2,
Splunk Enterprise System Administration,
Splunk Enterprise Data Administration.

The Splunk Fundamentals 2 course picks up where Splunk 6.6 Fundamentals ends, focusing more on advanced search and reporting commands and creating knowledge objects. Scenario-based examples and handy tasks will gradually help you create complex search, reports, and charts.
Key topics include the use of:
• transform commands and visualizations,
• filtering and formatting results,
• correlating events,
• creating knowledge objects,
• using field aliases and calculated fields,
• creating tags and event types,
• using macros,
• the creation of workflow actions and data models and the normalization of data with the Common Interface Model (CIM).

The post-graduate Splunk Enterprise System Administration course is designed for system administrators who are responsible for managing a Splunk Enterprise environment. This course provides basic knowledge about the Splunk License Manager, Indexers and Search Heads. It covers the configuration, management, and monitoring of the components of Splunk Enterprise.

The third part of this fast-track course was designed for system administrators who are responsible for entering data into Splunk's index. The course provides basic knowledge about forwarders in Splunk and methods to get remote data into Splunk's index. It covers the installation, configuration, administration, monitoring, and troubleshooting of Splunk forwarders and Splunk Deployment Server components.

Určeno pro

System Administrators

Vstupní znalosti

Students should have completed the Splunk Fundamentals Part 1 course online.


• Transforming commands and visualization
• Filtering and formatting results
• Correlate events
• Knowledge objects
• Fields (Field Aliases, Field Extractions, Calculated Fields)
• Tags and event types
• Macros
• Workflow actions
• Datenmodelle
• Splunk Common Information Model (CIM)
• Splunk deployment overview
• License management
• Splunk apps
• Splunk configuration files
• Users, roles and authentication
• Data entry
• Distributed search
• Introduction to Splunk Clusters
• Use forwarder with forwarder management
• Splunk configuration files
• Configuration of general data entries in Splunk
• Adjustment of the Input-Parsing process

Termíny školení