Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Basic NetApp Configuration & Administration


DÉLKA: 16 Hours (2 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 48 560,00


Školení je vedené virtuálně v angličtině.

Cena kurzu je 1 650 GBP a bude přepočtena aktuálním kurzem poslední den školení.

This two-day course provides a technical overview of the features and benefits of NetApp ONTAP 9 data-management software. The course enables you to explain the architecture and functionality of an ONTAP cluster. The course also introduces basic administration, configuration, and management of an ONTAP cluster.

Through hands-on exercises, you learn how to create a cluster, aggregates, storage virtual machines (SVMs), LIFs, FlexVol volumes, and Snapshot copies.

Training Units: 24


This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:

    List the steps to create and configure a cluster
    Identify the methods to manage a cluster
    Describe IPspaces, broadcast domains, and subnets
    Describe SVM benefits, components, and features
    Describe FlexVol volumes and efficiency features
    Describe methods to access files in a cluster

Určeno pro

Employees, Partners and Customers

Vstupní znalosti

A basic knowledge of storage networking

Termíny školení