Arrow Electronics, Inc.

IBM Agile Lifecycle Manager Tutorial

Kód: TOD50G

DÉLKA: 8 Hours

CENA: Kč bez DPH 17 000,00


IBM Agile Lifecycle Manager provides a comprehensive services design, testing and automated deployment solution that address the challenges and complexities of the NFV paradigm. IBM Agile Lifecycle Manager helps service providers effectively streamline service delivery, minimize complexity, and deliver innovative new services to customers at significant speed and lower cost of operations. This course gives you an overview of the tasks involved to deploy a virtualized service. You use hands-on exercises to learn how to design and build a service based on virtual network functions (VNFs) with IBM Agile Lifecycle Manager.


  • Integrate the software of a virtual network function (VNF) into the lifecycle model, onboard it to a resource manager, and onboard the resource manager into ALM.
  • Design services on top of VNFs and build assembly descriptors describing the components of the service and relationships between them.
  • Manage the lifecycle of services and underlying resources

Určeno pro

IBM technical sales, IBM Lab Services, IBM support, Business Partners.

Vstupní znalosti

Knowledge of Linux Administration


  • Lesson 1: Onboard Resources
  • Lesson 2: Service Design part 1
  • Lesson 2: Service Design part 2
  • Lesson 4: Deploy and Maintain Service

Termíny školení
Místo konání
Časové pásmo
Garance termínu

08 zář 2024


Self Paced Training

Kč bez DPH 17 000,00

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