Arrow Electronics, Inc.

IBM TechU LinuxONE

Kód: TU00022G

DÉLKA: 7,04 Hours

CENA: Kč bez DPH 5 060,00


This Learning Path covers a variety of topics related to Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE, such as architecture, virtualization/containerization options, advantages on consolidation, among many other areas, including the integration into Hybrid Cloud solutions.



  • Be familiar with why servers based on the IBM Z architecture are a compelling option to run enterprise grade workloads reliably, fast, securely.
  • Understand the business value, savings (total cost of ownership - TCO), and sustainability of the Linux on IBM Z architecture based servers
  • Get to know how to exploit the latest features in Linux on IBM Z architecture based servers
  • Understand how to exploit best virtualization and High Density computing (HDC) on IBM Z architecture based servers.
  • Understand the IBM Z architecture based servers cloud capabilities and how effective Red Hat Openshift can help to build and manage containerized solutions

Určeno pro

Clients and Business Partners - Architects, Systems Administrators, Systems Developers, IT Infrastructure leaders interested in learning more about LinuxONE.


LinuxONE Technology in a (Big) NutshellMaking the business case for IBM LinuxONE and Linux on IBM ZPrivate Cloud on IBM Z and LinuxONEGetting the most out of the latest features in Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONEOracle software on LinuxONE and Linux on ZReduce your IT costs with IBM LinuxONEVirtualization options for hypervisors for Linux on IBM z15 and LinuxONELeveraging IBM LinuxONE in a High Density Computing environment

Termíny školení
Místo konání
Časové pásmo
Garance termínu

18 čvc 2024


Web based Training

Kč bez DPH 5 060,00