Arrow Electronics, Inc.

IBM TechU IT Automation and DevOps on Power Systems with Ansible

Kód: TU00035G

DÉLKA: 5,04 Hours

CENA: Kč bez DPH 3 900,00


This learning theme covers Ansible Automation on IBM Power Systems. You'll discover the fundamental Ansible design concepts and learn how to configure and deploy Ansible in an AIX and IBM i Enterprise environment. Further you'll learn how to integrate with tools such as PowerVC.


  • Learn Ansible basics on IBM Power Systems 
  • Learn how to use Ansible on IBM i and integrate with PowerVC 
  • Learn how to manage your hybrid cloud IBM Power environments with Ansible 


Learn how Infrastructure As Code methodology can be used using Ansible Tower to: 

  • Provision LPARs
  • Perform Post Deployment Configuration and Tuning
  • Setup Security & System Hardening
  • setup Applications
  • setup System Health checks and Auditing
  • configure Patch Management

Určeno pro

IBM Power Systems Administrators, Hardware Developers and others interested in learning more about IT Automation on IBM Power Systems


DevOps demo: Ansible basics on IBM Power SystemsIBM Power Virtualization Center integration with Ansible on IBM iUsing Red Hat Ansible to manage your hybrid cloud IBM Power environments inc cloning VMs to CloudIaC with Ansible: Complete Life Cycle Management of IBM Power Systems Automate your IBM i with Ansible

Termíny školení
Místo konání
Časové pásmo
Garance termínu

18 čvc 2024


Web based Training

Kč bez DPH 3 900,00