Arrow Electronics, Inc.

IBM TechU PowerHA and DR for AIX

Kód: TU00036G

DÉLKA: 7,04 Hours

CENA: Kč bez DPH 5 060,00


This Learning Path covers solution desgn, installation, configuration and migration of PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX. You'll also learn how VM Recovery Manager can provide HA & DR recovery functionality for your Power systems environments.


  • Learn the basics with an Introduction to PowerHA 
  • Understand Power Systems HA/DR solutions for AIX 
  • Learn how to design PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX solutions 
  • Learn how to Upgrade to PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX V7.2.x 
  • Learn how to implement PowerHA SystemMirror Best practice eg. what works and what should be avoided 
  • Understand how to perform VM Recovery Manager V1.5 HA & DR Solution Design 
  • Know how to select the best HA option for your needs: VM Recovery Manager HA vs PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX 
  • Refresh you PowerHA skills as a prep for the PowerHA Certification exam

Určeno pro

This course is for Systems Administrators, Developers, Architects who are working on IBM Power Systems.


PowerHA Intro and Certification PrepPowerHA SystemMirror for AIX - Solution Design -and- New Useful featuresUpgrading to PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX V7.2.x PowerHA SystemMirror Best practice: what works and what should be avoidedVM Recovery Manager V1.5 - HA -and- DR Solution Design VM Recovery Manager HA vs PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX: Selecting the best HA option for your needs

Termíny školení
Místo konání
Časové pásmo
Garance termínu

27 čvc 2024


Web based Training

Kč bez DPH 5 060,00