Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Check Point Advanced Web Hacking (HackingPoint)


DÉLKA: 40 Hours (5 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 110 000,00


Školení je vedeno v anglickém jazyce zahraničním lektorem formou virtuální školení.

Cena školení je 5000 USD bez DPH - tato cena bude při fakturaci přepočtena aktuálním kurzem.

This fastpaced class gives attendees an insight into advanced AppSec topics. The class curriculum is split into two: 3 days of Server Side Flaws. 2 days of Client Side Flaws.
We have brought together the most talented experts to challenge our clients. The team has recreated security vulnerabilities based on actual penetration tests and real bug bounties seen in the field. This fastpaced class gives attendees an insight into advanced AppSec topics. The class curriculum is split into two:
• 3 days of Server Side Flaws
• 2 days of Client Side Flaws

Termíny školení