Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Check Point Infrastructure Hacking (HackingPoint)


DÉLKA: 24 Hours (3 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 75 000,00


Školení je vedeno v anglickém jazyce zahraničním lektorem formou virtuální školení.
Cena školení je 3500 USD bez DPH - tato cena bude při fakturaci přepočtena aktuálním kurzem.

The ideal introductory/intermediate training class designed to teach the fundamentals of what pen testing is all about. This hands-on training was written to address the market need around the world for a real hands-on, practical and hack-lab experience that focuses on what is really needed when conducting a penetration test. Whilst a variety of tools are used, they are the key tools that should be in any penetration tester’s kit bag. This, when combined with a sharp focus on methodology will give you what is necessary to start or formalise your testing career.

This entry level web application security testing course is a pre-requisite for
the Advanced Infrastructure Hacking course.

Termíny školení