Arrow Electronics, Inc.

StorageGRID Administration


DÉLKA: 24 Hours (3 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 74 600,00


Školení je vedené virtuálně v angličtině.

Cena kurzu je 2 475 GBP a bude přepočtena aktuálním kurzem poslední den školení.

This course is a comprehensive analysis of NetApp® StorageGRID® administration. You learn how to configure, monitor, maintain, and expand a StorageGRID system. The course outlines the new features and enhancements in StorageGRID 11.6. The course materials include a guide for hands-on exercises that you perform in a lab environment. This course also builds on the concepts that you learned in StorageGRID Fundamentals and is complementary to Installing StorageGRID.


This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:

Use the StorageGRID Grid Manager to monitor and manage a StorageGRID object-based storage solution
Create and manage storage tenant accounts, groups, and users
Configure information lifecycle management (ILM) rules and policies
Control access to the StorageGRID system and implement service levels
Manage Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets and objects
Monitor StorageGRID system activity
Configure and manage email notifications and custom alerts
Integrate the StorageGRID solution into your data fabric

Určeno pro

Storage Administrators
Professional Services Personnel
Support Services Personnel

Vstupní znalosti

The Web Based Training course StorageGRID Webscale Fundamentals  is recommended.  This is  free of charge and provided by NetApp.


Module 0: Welcome

About the StorageGRID curriculum
About this course
Course agenda

Module 1: StorageGRID Components and Services

StorageGRID components
Node service workflows

Module 2: StorageGRID management

Grid manager
StorageGRID Configuration options
StorageGRID Administrators
Securing Access to StorageGRID
StorageGRID Management API

Module 3: Storage Tenant Administration

Tenant Accounts
Tenant Manager
Tenant Access Control
Bucket Access Control
StorageGRID tenant API

Module 4: Information Lifecycle Management

ILM Policies and Rules
Storage pools, Storage Grades and Regions
Configuring ILM policies

Module 5: Managing Client Connections

High-availability groups
Load balancer endpoints
Traffic classification

Module 6: S3 bucket administration

Virtual hosted-style identifiers
Bucket access control
S3 bucket configuration options
Client stored object options
Platform services

Module 7: Monitoring the StorageGRID system

Audit log

Module 8: StorageGRID maintenance

StorageGRID AutoSupport
Managing StorageGRID services
Maintenance procedures
StorageGRID software upgrades

Module 9: Integrating a StorageGRID system

ONTAP FabricPool
SolidFire backup to cloud
SANtricity Cloud Connector
NetApp Cloud Sync service

Zkoušky a certifikace

This course is part of the NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Administrator certification programme

Termíny školení
Místo konání
Časové pásmo
Garance termínu

17 bře 2025

Virtual Classroom



Instructor Led Online

Kč bez DPH 74 600,00

06 kvě 2025

Virtual Classroom



Instructor Led Online

Kč bez DPH 74 600,00

16 čvn 2025

Virtual Classroom



Instructor Led Online

Kč bez DPH 74 600,00