Arrow Electronics, Inc.

VMware Workspace ONE: Unified Endpoint Management Troubleshooting [V21.x]


DÉLKA: 16 Hours (2 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 21 000,00


Školení je vedené virtuálně v angličtině.

Cena kurzu je 750 EUR a bude přepočtena aktuálním kurzem poslední den školení.

In this two-day course, you learn to investigate, analyze, and determine issues that might occur with all the different components of VMware Workspace ONE® UEM. Understanding how to effectively troubleshoot product issues enables administrators to understand how product services communicate and function—in turn optimizing service and software health management. Troubleshooting is the backbone of service maintenance and management.


By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
•  Summarize basic troubleshooting methodology
•  Outline common troubleshooting techniques in the Workspace ONE UEM Console
•  Outline common troubleshooting techniques when integrating enterprise solutions in the Workspace ONE UEM Console
•  Summarize common troubleshooting strategies for Workspace ONE UEM managed devices
•  Outline common application management troubleshooting techniques in the Workspace ONE UEM Console
•  Summarize common troubleshooting techniques for email management in the Workspace ONE UEM Console
•  Explain common troubleshooting approaches for the Workspace ONE UAG platform and individual edge services
•  Outline useful troubleshooting tools like Self-service Portal and VMware Workspace ONE® Assist™

Vstupní znalosti

This course requires completion of one of the following courses:
•  VMware Workspace ONE: Skills for Unified Endpoint Management


•  VMware Workspace ONE: Unified Endpoint Management Bootcamp


1  Course Introduction
•  Introductions and course logistics
•  Course objectives

2  Fundamentals of Troubleshooting UEM
•  Outline software troubleshooting logic and support methods
•  Explain how knowing the core components process flows can help troubleshoot product issues
•  Explain how knowing the integrated components process flows can help troubleshoot product issues
•  Identify different Workspace ONE UEM log files

3  UEM Console Troubleshooting
•  Outline the best practices for UEM console issue troubleshooting
•  Identify common group management and assignment-related issues
•  Outline common UEM console system setting and roles issues
•  Understand how analytic events can be used to identity platform errors
•  Summarize the steps of collecting and analyzing Workspace ONE UEM console logs

4  Integration Troubleshooting
•  Outline the common enterprise integrations in Workspace ONE UEM
•  Outline the common troubleshooting techniques for the VMware AirWatch® Cloud Connector™
•  Troubleshoot issues related to Directory Services integration
•  Identify directory user and groups synchronization issues
•  Troubleshoot issues related to certificate authority integration
•  Explain VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ integration and VMware Workspace ONE® Intelligent Hub
   troubleshooting techniques

5  Endpoint Troubleshooting
•  Compare the endpoint connection topology in Workspace ONE UEM
•  Outline useful tools and resources for endpoint troubleshooting
•  Summarize the best practices for device enrollment troubleshooting
•  Explain device connectivity troubleshooting techniques
•  Understand how to identify and resolve profile-related issues
•  Identify common compliance policy issues and potential root causes

6  Application Troubleshooting
•  Understand different types of applications and troubleshooting scoping questions
•  Review application management configurations
•  Summarize the general tools and resources for application troubleshooting
•  Describe the general logic of troubleshooting public applications
•  Understand Internal application issues and potential causes.
•  Explain purchased application troubleshooting techniques

7  Email Troubleshooting
•  Review different email architecture and workflows
•  Summarize common errors associated with email profiles
•  Identify tools and resources for email troubleshooting
•  Explain VMware AirWatch® Secure Email Gateway™ on UAG troubleshooting techniques
•  Outline PowerShell integration issues and techniques to address them

8  UAG And Edge Service Troubleshooting
•  Review UAG architecture and edge service workflows
•  Understand UAG general configurations
•  Explain how to utilize UAG-related troubleshooting tools and recourses
•  Identify and resolve common Content Gateway on UAG issues
•  Summarize VMware Tunnel™ on UAG troubleshooting techniques

9  Additional Troubleshooting Tools
•  Describe how Self-service Portal helps administrators and empowers end-users to solve issues
•  Understand how Workspace ONE Assist can help endpoint troubleshooting

Termíny školení