Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Protecting SQL Server


DÉLKA: 16 Hours (2 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 50 200,00


Cena školení je 1 735 GBP a bude přepočtena aktuálním kurzem k poslednímu dni konání školení.

This course covers the deployment of the SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server. In this course, you learn about the features of the plug-in and how to install and perform initial configuration of the plug-in. You learn how to protect, clone, and restore Microsoft SQL Server databases by using SnapCenter software. Through instructor-led presentations, you gain knowledge about these topics. Hands-on exercises provide you with experience in performing these tasks.


This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:

    Describe the features of the Microsoft SQL Server Plug-in

    List the workflow for using SnapCenter software to protect Microsoft SQL Server databases

    Explain how SnapCenter software uses NetApp technology to protect SQL Server databases

    Illustrate the recommended NetApp storage layouts to support SQL Server data

    Describe data protection strategies for SQL Server databases by using SnapCenter software

    Demonstrate how to configure and perform SQL Server database backups by using SnapCenter software

    Demonstrate SQL Server database restores that use SnapCenter software

    Describe cloning strategies that use SnapCenter software and NetApp technology

    Build alerting and reporting operations for Plug-in for SQL Server

Určeno pro

    NetApp and NetApp Partner Professional Services
    Systems Engineers
    NetApp Customers


Module 1: SnapCenter Plug-In for Microsoft SQL Server Overview

  MS SQL server data protection workflow

Module 2: Getting Started with the SnapCenter Plug-In for MS SQL Server

Prerequisite tasks for using the Plug-In

Installation steps for the Plug-in

Plug-in configuration

Storage layout recommendations and restrictions

Storage design for a virtualized environment


Module 3: Data Migration

Resource wizard

Importing from SnapManager software


Module 4: Creating and Backing up SQL Server Resources

Data protection strategy

Backing up SQL server databases


Module 5: Restoring SQL Server Resources

Defining a restore strategy

Restoring SQL server databases


Module 6: Cloning SQL Server Databases

Defining a cloning strategy

Cloning a SQL server database backup

Splitting a SQL server cloned database

Clone lifecycle management


Module 7: Monitoring and Managing SQL Server Operations

Monitoring operations

Canceling a database backup operation

Monitoring and managing a thin-provisioned environment

Setting thresholds, alerts and reports



Configuring SnapCenter and install plug-ins for MS SQL Server

Migrating databases

Protecting a MS SQL server database

Restoring a MS SQL server database

Cloning a MS SQL server database

Performing management and monitoring tasks by using SnapCenter software and NetApp ONTAP system manager


Appendix A - Challenge labs:

Migrating a database from existing volume to a new volume

Configuring backup and replication for the newly migrated database

Configuring a clone lifecycle for the development team

Performing a point-in-time restore to remove database corruption

Termíny školení