Arrow Electronics, Inc.

ITIL® 4 Specialist: Acquiring & Managing Cloud Services + Exam


DÉLKA: 16 Hours (2 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 26 500,00


In less than two decades, cloud computing has changed theworld. Early use of cloud technology provided users with access to data from any endpoint that had access to the internet. Many saw the cloud simply as an alternative way of provisioning infrastructure-based services, such as storage and workload processing, in a more flexible and efficient manner. But it didn’t stay that way. Endpoints changed from corporate workstations to mobile devices, and cloud services expanded to deliver functionality as well as access. The vast computing power and data that drives huge organizations became available to everyone.
This does not mean that managing the cloud is a simple task.
There are countless cloud services available in any market, and an even greater number of ways in which those services can be used. Those tasked with acquiring and managing cloud services must be able to navigate this complex landscape, while bringing the worlds of technology and business together in ways that were not possible ten years ago. This requires a new set of skills and knowledge—not only about cloud services themselves, but about the way those services have changed how an organization operates. Organizations need to change operating and business models, redefine how supplier relationships are managed, adapt the way employees work, and change how customers engage with the organization.
This course is for consumers of cloud services who are tasked with finding the best way for their organizations to meet its objectives using technology. It is about acquiring and managing cloud services as part of an overall strategy to ensure that an organization stays relevant and successful in a rapidly changing world. This course considers the fundamental aspects of cloud computing to better prepare students to acquire and manage their cloud services with both efficiency and success.

Školení pořádá vzdělávací centrum HEWLETT-PACKARD s.r.o.


ITIL training and certification continues to provide individuals with a structured
approach for developing competencies for the current and future workplace. This course helps both individuals and organizations:
• Take advantage of new and upcoming technologies
• Succeed with digital transformation
• Create value for themselves and their customers
This course leverages the ITIL 4 Acquiring and Managing Cloud Services (AMCS) publication as its official source material and prepares students for the ITIL 4 AMCS formal examination with PeopleCert.
Upon successful completion of this course, candidates will be able to describe, adopt and adapt key elements to better manage cloud services. Acquiring and managing cloud
services is more than a single activity; it is a journey undertaken by an organization—together with various types of service providers—to find the best way to
achieve its strategy. The course is structured to reflect that journey, showing the stages an organization and its service providers pass through as it seeks to realize value from using cloud services.

Určeno pro

• Business managers, business process owners, or any business person interfacing with IT organizations
• Individuals who require management concepts to create value for customers
• IT professionals already working with ITIL best practices who want to advance their knowledge of new service management approaches to cloud services
• Other individuals working in parts of the IT organization, including
– IT staff supporting large, complex, and hybrid data centers who are interested in improving speed, quality and cost of IT services
– IT vendors, suppliers, and partners
– IT managers and IT executives
– Individuals working in other parts of IT (digital, product, development, security, operations)

Vstupní znalosti

There are no specific prerequisites for this training.
ITIL 4 Foundation is recommended but is not required.
Additional study time outside of the classroom will be required to prepare for the ITIL 4 AMCS certification exam.


Module 00 Course Overview
Module 01 Introduction
Module 02 Explore: Can the Organization Benefit From Cloud?
Module 03 Engage: Meeting a Cloud Service Provider
Module 04 Offer: Selecting the Right Services and Service Provider
Module 05 Agree: Negotiating and Planning
Module 06 Onboard (and Offboard): Moving to the Cloud
Module 07 Co-Create: Enabling Value
Module 08 Realize: Measuring and Improving
Exam Review

Termíny školení
Místo konání
Časové pásmo
Garance termínu

30 čvn 2025

Virtual Classroom




Kč bez DPH 26 500,00