Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Introduction to IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0.6

Kód: ZL1_U4ZDNI6

DÉLKA: 8 Hours (1 den)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 18 000,00


Školení je vedeno virtuálně v anglickém jazyce ve školicím středisku Arrow v Anglii.
Cena školení je 650 GBP bez DPH - tato cena bude při fakturaci přepočtena aktuálním kurzem.

This course teaches analysts and engineers how to define, elaborate, organise and manage textual and graphical requirements and requirements-related information.


• View and work with requirements artefacts in a collaborative context
• Capture, define and elaborate on requirements including textual and graphical artefacts
• Organise artefacts based on artefact context
• Understand, view and create traceability relationships

Určeno pro

• Business Analysts
• Systems Engineers
• Software Engineers
• Requirements Engineers
• Requirements Managers
• Requirements Team Leaders

Vstupní znalosti

No pre-requisites


  • About this course
  • Key concepts - Jazz architecture
  • Product overview
  • Displaying artefacts
  • Defining artefacts
  • Organizing artefacts
  • Working with modules
  • Importing
  • Viewing traceability
  • Creating traceability

Navazující kurzy

The below course is a recommended follow on..


U4ZDNA6- Advanced IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0.6

Termíny školení