Arrow Electronics, Inc.

IBM Rational Team Concert 6.0.6 Developer

Kód: ZL1_U4ZRTD6

DÉLKA: 8 Hours (1 den)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 18 000,00


Školení je vedeno virtuálně v anglickém jazyce ve školicím středisku Arrow v Anglii.
Cena školení je 650 GBP bez DPH - tato cena bude při fakturaci přepočtena aktuálním kurzem.

Management configuration to develop SW/HW systems. Collaborate and share work using Jazz configuration management to create and reproduce configurations, perform code reviews and explore changes


• Explain the key concepts and terminology
• Manage work items
• Commit changes via configuration management
• Share changes with teams
• Understand a hierarchy of streams and components
• Perform merges, resolve, and avoid conflicts
• Create and compare baselines
• Use change history at multiple levels
• Understand integration mechanisms
• Discuss the user interfaces and relate them to own needs

Určeno pro

• Software Developers
• System Engineers
• Technical Testers

Vstupní znalosti

It would be useful to have experience with Eclipse or a similar IDE


• About this course
• Key concepts and terminology
• Product overview
• Managing work items
• Committing changes
• Sharing changes with team
• Locks, reverting and import
• Baselines and snapshots
• History
• Integrations
• User interfaces

Termíny školení