Arrow Electronics, Inc.

IBM Rational DOORS 9.6 - Advanced

Kód: U4RDA96G

DÉLKA: 8 Hours (1 den)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 19 000,00


Školení je vedeno virtuálně v anglickém jazyce ve školicím středisku Arrow v Anglii.
Cena školení je 650 GBP bez DPH - tato cena bude při fakturaci přepočtena aktuálním kurzem.


This 1 day IBM Rational DOORS® 9.6 - Advanced course teaches delegates how to create and manage IBM Rational DOORS projects, define link relationships and attributes, set access permissions and manage change, as well as how to import, export, share and reference external data.


After completing this course, participants should be able to:

Build projects, including defining data structure, linking schema, attributes, and access permissions
Link with external data
View and manage traceability using various methods
Generate reports
Import existing data from MS Word or CSV
Share data with 3rd parties using ReqIF
Understand data sharing capabilities
View change history for requirements data
Control the flow of changes
Manage related baselines
Configure electronic signatures


Určeno pro

This advanced course is for:

Business Analysts
System Engineers
Software Engineers
Requirements Engineers
Requirements Managers
Requirements Team Leaders

Vstupní znalosti

Delegates should have taken the following course or have the equivalent knowledge of IBM Rational DOORS 9.6 - Introduction (U4RDI96G).

Termíny školení
Místo konání
Časové pásmo
Garance termínu

15 říj 2024

Virtual Classroom



Instructor Led Online

Kč bez DPH 19 000,00