Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Configuring F5 Advanced WAF (previously licensed as ASM)


DÉLKA: 32 Hours (4 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 68 000,00


Školení je možné absolvovat i online formou "VCL" virtuální školení, více informací ZDE.

Kurz Configuring F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall v15.1 poskytne účastníkům znalosti a praktické dovednosti k tomu, aby byli schopni nasadit, nastavit a provozovat F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall (včetně modulu ASM, který je součástí AWAF). 
Naučí účastníky zásady a principy jak chránit webové aplikace před útoky založenými na protokolu HTTP.

Součástí školení s lektorem jsou rozsáhlé praktické laby a diskuse k tématům o detekci a zmírnění hrozeb na Layer7 jako je: Denial of Service, brute force, bots, code injection, and zero day exploits.


Describe the role of the BIG-IP system as a full proxy device in an application delivery network
Provision F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall resources
Define a Web Application Firewall
Describe how F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall protects a web application by securing file types, URLs, and parameters
Deploy F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall using the Rapid Deployment template (and other templates) and define the security checks included in each
Define learn, alarm, and block settings as they pertain to configuring F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall
Define attack signatures and explain why attack signature staging is important
Contrast positive and negative security policy implementation and explain benefits of each
Configure security processing at the parameter level of a web application
Use an application template to protect a commercial web application
Deploy F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall using the Automatic Policy Builder
Tune a policy manually or allow automatic policy building
Integrate third party application vulnerability scanner output into a security policy
Configure login enforcement and session tracking
Configure protection against brute force, web scraping, and Layer 7 denial of service attacks
Implement iRules using specific F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall events and commands
Use Content Profiles to protect JSON and AJAX-based applications
Implement Bot Signatures
Implement Proactive Bot DefenseN

Určeno pro

This course is intended for security and network administrators who will be responsible for the installation, deployment, tuning, and day-to-day maintenance of the F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall.

Vstupní znalosti

There are no F5-technology-specific prerequisites for this course. However, completing the following before attending would be very helpful for students with limited BIG-IP administration and configuration experience:

Administering BIG-IP (instructor-led course)
F5 Certified BIG-IP Administrator

The following free web-based training courses, although optional, will be very helpful for any student with limited BIG-IP administration and configuration experience. These courses are available at F5 University:

Getting Started with BIG-IP web-based training
Getting Started with BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM) web-based training

The following general network technology knowledge and experience are recommended before attending any F5 Global Training Services instructor-led course:

OSI model encapsulation
Routing and switching
Ethernet and ARP
TCP/IP concepts
IP addressing and subnetting
NAT and private IP addressing
Default gateway
Network firewalls
LAN vs. WA


Setting Up the BIG-IP System
Traffic Processing with BIG-IP
Web Application Concepts
Common Web Application Vulnerabilities
Security Policy Deployment
Policy Tuning and Violations
Attack Signatures
Positive Security Policy Building
Cookies and Other Headers
Reporting and Logging
Lab Project 1
Advanced Parameter Handling
Policy Diff and Administration
Automatic Policy Building
Web Application Vulnerability Scanner Integration
Layered Policies
Login Enforcement, Brute Force Mitigation, and Session Tracking
Web Scraping Mitigation and Geolocation Enforcement
Layer 7 DoS Mitigation and Advanced Bot Protection
F5 Advanced WAF and iRules
Using Content Profiles
Review and Final Labs

Termíny školení
Místo konání
Časové pásmo
Garance termínu

17 bře 2025

Virtual Classroom



Instructor Led Online

Kč bez DPH 68 000,00

02 čvn 2025

Virtual Classroom



Instructor Led Online

Kč bez DPH 68 000,00

Další termíny školení Arrow v Evropě, včetně virtuálních.