Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Troubleshooting BIG-IP


DÉLKA: 16 Hours (2 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 39 000,00


Kurz seznámí účastníky s řadou technik, pomocí kterých lze řešit problémy vznikající při provozu systému BIG-IP, pomocí systémových nástrojů. Tento kurz zahrnuje přednášky, laby a diskuse.

Během tohoto kurzu budete mít přístup k prostředí využívající BIG-IP, s typickou architekturou Internal-External VLAN s backend servery (server HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, FTP atd.). V rámci cvičení budete licensovat BIG-IP, nastavovat VLANy a vytvářet Pooly, virtualní Servery, a odstraňovat problémy.

Budete mít příležitost procvičit si odstraňování a řešení problémů pomocí BIG-IP metodiky  a nástrojů, které jste se naučili.

S ohledem na pokročilý obsah školení důrazně doporučujeme předchozí absolvování kurzu „F5 LTM Configuring“, nebo znalost pokročilé konfigurace F5 modulu LTM (např. globální SNAT, Forwarding VS, Transparentní VS, a jiné)


• Configuration Project
• Troubleshooting Methodology
• F5 Support
• Troubleshooting - Bottom to Top
• Troubleshooting Tools
• Using System Logs

Určeno pro

This course assumes that you have successfully completed the Administering BIG-IP course, or equivalent, and have hands-on experience working in a production BIG-IP environment for several months.

You should have a solid understanding of the environment in which the BIG-IP is deployed.

This course is meant for BIG-IP administrators, network engineers, applications engineers, etc., who will be responsible for troubleshooting problems associated with their BIG-IP system.

Vstupní znalosti

Students must complete one of the following F5 prerequisites before attending this course:
•Administering BIG-IP instructor-led course
•F5 Certified BIG-IP Administrator

The following free web-based training courses, although optional, will be very helpful for any student with limited BIG-IP administration and configuration experience.

These courses are available at F5 University(
• Getting Started with BIG-IP web-based training
• Getting Started with BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) web-based training

The following general network technology knowledge and experience are recommended before attending any F5 Global Training Services instructor-led course:
• OSI model encapsulation
• Routing and switching
• Ethernet and ARP
• TCP/IP concepts
• IP addressing and subnetting
• NAT and private IP addressing
• Default gateway
• Network firewalls
• LAN vs. WAN

The following course-specific knowledge and experience is suggested before attending this course: • HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and SSH protocols.


Chapter 1: Setting Up the BIG-IP System
▪ Introducing the BIG-IP System
▪ Initially Setting Up the BIG-IP System
▪ Archiving the BIG-IP System Configuration

Chapter 2: Reviewing Local Traffic Configuration
▪ Reviewing Nodes, Pools, and Virtual Servers
▪ Reviewing Address Translation
▪ Reviewing Routing Assumptions
▪ Reviewing Application Health Monitoring
▪ Reviewing Traffic Behavior Modification with Profiles
▪ Reviewing the TMOS Shell (TMSH)
▪ Reviewing Managing BIG-IP Configuration Data
▪ Reviewing High Availability (HA)

Chapter 3: Troubleshooting Methodology
▪ Step-By-Step Process
▪ Step 1: State the Problem
▪ Step 2: Specify the Problem
▪ Step 3: Map the System
▪ Step 4: Develop Possible Causes
▪ Step 5: Test Theories
▪ Step 6: Iterate Until Root Cause Identified
▪ Documenting a Problem
▪ Putting Troubleshooting Steps to Use

Chapter 4: Working with F5 Support
▪ Leveraging F5 Support Resources
▪ DevCentral
▪ iHealth
▪ Leveraging F5 Labs
▪ Working with F5 Technical Support
▪ Running End User Diagnostics (EUD) - Hardware Only
▪ New Platform Diagnostic Tools
▪ Always-On Management (AOM) Subsystem
▪ Requesting Return Materials Authorization
▪ F5’s Software Version Policy
▪ Managing the BIG-IP License for Upgrades
▪ Managing BIG-IP Disk Space
▪ Upgrading BIG-IP Software

Chapter 5: Troubleshooting – Bottom to Top
▪ Introducing Differences between BIG-IP and LINUX Tools
▪ Troubleshooting with Layer 1/Layer 2 Tools
▪ Troubleshooting with Layer 2/Layer 3 Tools
▪ Troubleshooting with Layer 3 Tools
▪ Troubleshooting Network Communication
▪ Troubleshooting Memory and CPU
▪ Troubleshooting with watch
▪ Troubleshooting with Additional tmsh commands

Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Tools
▪ tcpdump
▪ Wireshark
▪ ssldump
▪ Fiddler
▪ diff
▪ KDiff3
▪ cURL

Chapter 7: Using System Logs
▪ Configuring Logging
▪ Log Files
▪ Understanding BIG-IP Daemons Functions
▪ Triggering an iRule
▪ Deploying and Testing iRules
▪ Application Visibility and Reporting

Chapter 8: Troubleshooting Lab Projects

▪ Network Configurations for Project

Termíny školení

Další termíny školení Arrow v Evropě, včetně virtuálních.