Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Introduction to Juniper Security


DÉLKA: 24 Hours (3 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 60 400,00


Školení je vedeno virtuálně v anglickém jazyce ve školicím středisku Arrow v Anglii.

Cena školení je 1 995 GBP bez DPH - tato cena bude při fakturaci přepočtena aktuálním kurzem.

This course is designed to provide students with the foundational knowledge required to work with SRX Series devices.

This course will use the J-Web user interface to introduce students to the Junos operating system.

The course provides a brief overview of security problems and how Juniper Networks approaches a complete security solution with Juniper Connected Security.

Key topics include configuration tasks for initial system configuration, interface configuration, security object configuration, security policy configuration, IPsec VPN configuration, and NAT configuration.

The course then delves into Layer 7 security using UTM, IDP, and AppSecure to provide students with the understanding of application level security to block advanced threats.

An overview of Sky ATP is included for students to understand zero-day network protection technologies.

Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in configuring and monitoring the Junos OS and monitoring basic device operations.

This course is based on Junos OS Release 19.1R1.6.

IJSEC is an introductory-level course.


After successfully completing this course, you should be able to:

• Identify high-level security challenges in today’s networks.
• Identify products that are incorporated into the Juniper Connected Security solution.
• Explain the value of implementing security solutions.
• Explain how Juniper Connected Security solves the cyber security challenges of the future.
• Explain the SRX Series devices and the added capabilities that next-generation firewalls provide.
• Explain traffic flows through the SRX Series devices.
• List the different security objects and how to create them.
• Describe interface types and perform basic interface configuration tasks.
• Describe the initial configuration for an SRX Series device.
• Explain security zones.
• Describe screens and their use.
• Explain address objects.
• Describe services and their use.
• Describe the purpose for security policies on an SRX Series device.
• Describe zone-based policies.
• Describe global policies and their use.
• Explain unified security policies.
• Configure unified security policies with the J-Web user interface.
• Describe IDP signatures.
• Configure an IDP policy using predefined templates with the J-Web user interface.
• Describe the use and configuration of the integrated user firewall feature.
• Describe the UTM security services
• List the available UTM services on the SRX Series device.
• Configure UTM filtering on a security policy with the J-Web user interface.
• Explain Sky ATP’s use in security.
• Describe how Sky ATP and SRX Series devices operate together in blocking threats.
• Describe NAT and why it is used.
• Explain source NAT and when to use it.
• Explain destination NAT and when to use it.
• Explain static NAT and its uses.
• Describe the operation and configuration the different types of NAT.
• Identify various types of VPNs.
• Describe IPsec VPNs and their functionality.
• Describe how IPsec VPNs are established.
• Describe IPsec traffic processing.
• Configure IPsec VPNs with the J-Web user interface.
• Describe and configure proxy IDs and traffic selectors with the J-Web user interface.
• Monitor IPsec VPNs with the J-Web user interface.
• Describe the J-Web monitoring features.
• Explain the J-Web reporting features.
• Describe the Sky Enterprise service and how it can save resources.
• Explain the functionality of Junos Space Security Director.

Určeno pro

The primary audiences for this course are the following:
• Operators of Juniper Networks security solutions, including network engineers, administrators, support personnel, and resellers.

Vstupní znalosti

The following are the prerequisites for this course:

• Students should have basic networking knowledge and an understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and the TCP/ IP protocol suite.


Day 1

Course Introduction

Juniper Security Concepts
• Security Challenges
• Security Design Overview
• Juniper Connected Security
 Juniper Connected Security – SRX Series Devices
• Connected Security
• Interfaces
• Initial Configuration
 LAB 1: Initial Configuration
 Security Objects
• Security Zone Objects
• Security Screen Objects
• Security Address Objects
• Security Services Objects
 LAB 2: Creating Security Objects with J-Web

Security Policies
• Security Policy Overview
• Zone-Based Policies
• Global Security Policies
• Application Firewall with Unified Security Policies
 LAB 3: Creating Security Policies with J-Web

Day 2

Security Services – IDP and User Firewall
• IDP Security Services
• Integrated User Firewall
 LAB 4: Adding IDP and User Firewall Security Services to Security Policies
 Security Services – UTM
• Content Filtering
• Web Filtering
• Antivirus
• Antispam
 LAB 5: Adding UTM Security Services to Security Policies  

Juniper Connected Security – Sky ATP
• Sky ATP Overview
• Blocking Threats

Lab 6: Demonstrating Sky ATP
 Network Address Translation
• NAT Overview
• Source NAT
• Destination NAT
• Static NAT

Lab 7: Implementing Network Address Translation

Day 3

IPsec VPN Concepts
• VPN Types
• Secure VPN Requirements
• IPsec Tunnel Establishment
• IPsec Traffic Processing
 Site-to-Site VPNs
• IPsec Configuration
• IPsec Site-to-Site Tunnel
 Lab 8: Implementing Site-to-Site IPsec VPNs
 Monitoring and Reporting
• J-Web monitoring options
• J-Web Reporting options

Lab 9: Using Monitoring and Reporting

Please note that the following Appendices are not covered as standard during the training course unless requested by the customer, and agreed with Arrow, upon booking:

Appendix A: SRX Series Hardware
 Appendix B: Virtual SRX
 Appendix C: CLI Primer
 Appendix D: Sky Enterprise Services
 Appendix E: Junos Space Security Director

Termíny školení
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