Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Unlimited Learning Subscription - All Technology


DÉLKA: 2920 Hours

CENA: Kč bez DPH 104 487,00


Nový a flexibilní digitální způsob vzdělávání Oracle.
Jedná se o roční předplatné do knihovny souboru školení Oracle , které Vám poskytne přesně takové školení, které potřebujete k získání znalostí a osvojení nových funkcí.

Soubor školení obsahuje:
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Learning
Oracle Data Management Cloud Services Learning
Oracle Application Development Cloud Services Learning
Oracle Database Learning 
Oracle IT Infrastructure Learning
MySQL Learning
Java Learning
Oracle Siebel CRM Learning 
Oracle E-Business Suite Learning
PeopleSoft Learning 
JD Edwards Learning
Hyperion and Essbase Learning

Kdykoli a kdekoli
> tréninková videa s Oracle experty
> přístup 24/7 po dobu předplatného
> formou hry a motivační bodovým systémem
> snadná orientace v kurzech dle vašich rozvojových potřeb
> sestavení vlastního studijního postupu
> upozornění na novinky a aktualizace.

Kurzy a materiály jsou v angličtině, více informací zde:

Access our entire portfolio of Technology Learning Subscriptions for one year
Take digital courses mapped to job roles and apply new skills in hands-on labs. Access constantly updated content that aligns with each product release, attend live sessions with product experts, measure your progress, get Oracle certified, and more.

Courses are designed and developed to go into depth, while also adopting a micro-learning format. This form of learning is built with customer success in mind. It caters to Oracle customers’ just in time and immersive training requirements.


Oracle's Unlimited Product Learning Subscription teaches you how to plan, implement and apply best practices when using Oracle's product, solution and industry technologies. Interactive demonstrations and hands-on labs empower you to effectively use Oracle products in your daily job. Refreshed content keeps your skills aligned with new features and capabilities.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Learning

Enable your business transformation to the cloud with an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Learning Subscription. This learning subscription is an all-digital solution for administrators, architects, DevOps practitioners, and operations professionals who are seeking training on OCI, Cloud@Customer, Cloud Security, Management Cloud, and Ravello services.

Oracle Data Management Cloud Services Learning

Enable your business transformation to the cloud with an Oracle Data Management Cloud Learning Subscription. This learning subscription is an all-digital solution for technical professionals seeking training on Data Management, Data Integration, Business Analytics, and Cloud@Customer.

The training in this learning subscription covers the following cloud technologies: Autonomous Database, Database Cloud Service,

Oracle Application Development Cloud Services Learning

Enable your business transformation to the cloud with an Oracle Application Development Cloud Services Learning Subscription. This learning subscription is an all-digital solution for developers, administrators, application integration specialists, and DevOps practitioners seeking training on Application Development, Application Integration, and Content and Experience Cloud services.

Oracle Database Learning 

Access comprehensive Oracle Database training. Explore new features and develop advanced Oracle Database skills.

The Oracle Database Learning Subscription will provide you with access to all available Oracle Database training courses. This includes the Oracle Database 19c new features curriculum as well as courseware from all supported released versions of Oracle Database training, from 11g through 19c.

Oracle IT Infrastructure Learning

In today’s world, it is often challenging to determine which products you should be using, how they work, which capabilities they offer, and how they can help you solve your business problems. It’s also difficult to find one solution that offers you access to all the learning you need to answer your questions, perform tasks, retrieve information about what’s new, help you solve for a given problem.

MySQL Learning

The MySQL Learning Subscription includes everything you need to get the most from your MySQL installations. MySQL is the world's most popular open-source database. It includes InnoDB, making it a fully integrated, transaction-safe, ACID-compliant database. In addition, MySQL Replication allows you to deliver high performance and scalable applications.

Java Learning

Java is the #1 programming language for developing applications
across conventional and cloud environments. It provides the basis for enterprise applications on a wide range of devices and platforms.

Java offers developers a continually advancing language and platform to create the next generation of rich, scalable, and secure enterprise applications.

Oracle Siebel CRM Learning 

With Siebel tutorial training modules, customers will learn how to install, configure, develop, and manage Siebel applications and clients. Explore Siebel architecture, how to configure and extend the underlying database, how to manage and monitor the components and parameters, how to tailor the user interface to a Siebel application, and more.

Oracle E-Business Suite Learning

The Oracle E-Business Suites Learning Subscription is an all-digital, complete learning subscription for anyone on your team seeking Oracle E-Business Suite training. Thousands of companies around the world rely on Oracle E-Business Suite to run their key business operations.


PeopleSoft Learning 

This complete Peoplesoft Learning Subscription brings together all the essential training required to understand the complete product suite, from the Tools and the tool set, down to each and every application, including Campus Solutions.

PeopleSoft Applications are designed to address the most complex business requirements.

JD Edwards Learning

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications:
Here you can access content developed for JD EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Fundamentals, Quality Management, Inventory Management, General Accounting, Procurement, Sales Order Management, Capital Asset Management, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable, as well as topics that cover the JD EnterpriseOne Address Book.

Hyperion and Essbase Learning

Get access to online Hyperion and Essbase courses with an annual subscription, which includes more than 500+ videos and 100+ hours of content delivered on Oracle's new platform interface.


Role-based learning
As modern technology evolves, so do their associated job roles. Through experiential digital learning, develop the skills you need to excel in your specific job role. Learn practical knowledge and skills that will deepen your expertise and increase your productivity. Whether you’re a technical implementer or a business user, Oracle University’s role-based learning equips you with the knowledge you need to be successful.


Hands-on labs
Practice what you learn and apply new skills in a safe environment, before it matters. Participating in hands-on labs in a simulated training environment, or sandbox, helps you reduce mistakes - and anxiety - associated with working in a live application without prior experience.

Gain experience in a flexible, non-pressure environment with ample time to learn
Work within the most up-to-date application environments, without making mistakes
Follow guided exercises with clear objectives and instructions
Expand and reinforce new skills you’ve developed, focusing on specific areas where needed
Gain confidence that will empower you to complete future work in a live environment


Instructor coaching sessions
Join an Oracle University instructor and subject matter expert for an hour-long live coaching session.

Each session covers key topic areas and provides you with access to Oracle product experts for an informative Q&A. During interactive sessions, your instructor will focus on a topic so you can ask questions and hear from others about a particular theme. You’ll also receive guidance about where to find additional learning resources.

Learning analytics
Track your learning progress and achievements through your personalized dashboard. You can also track your organization’s overall subscriber activation and consumption data at both a macro and micro level. Easily monitor learner engagement to keep skill development on track throughout your 12-month subscription.

Release updates
With each product release, we’ll add new courses to your subscription. Learn exactly how to use and leverage the latest enhancements, in real-time. New features courses are designed and developed in a micro-learning format to ensure you as a learner get up up to speed quickly on Oracle product innovations.


Zkoušky a certifikace

Prove you have the skills employers need. Get Oracle certified to showcase your Oracle product expertise and open new doors for your career.

According to CertMag's 2018 Salary Survey, certified candidates agree getting certified has improved their job skills as well as their salaries:

More than 70% of those surveyed say since becoming certified, they’ve experienced greater demand for their skills
68% of those surveyed say getting certified has increased their ability to solve problems
65% percent say getting certified has improved their workplace productivity
Earn a globally recognized credential from within your subscription

Within six months of subscribing, take digital courses, redeem your exam voucher, schedule your exam, and pass to get Oracle certified. Subscribing is an investment in growing your skills, and your opportunities.

Increase your chance of passing – take exam prep courses within your subscription

Each certification exam has a corresponding prep course within your subscription. Take the exam prep courses, review exam objectives, tackle sample exam questions, and get expert advice before exam day.

Termíny školení
Místo konání
Časové pásmo
Garance termínu

27 čvc 2024


Web based Training

Kč bez DPH 99 452,00