Arrow Electronics, Inc.

Kubernetes Fundamentals and Cluster Operations


DÉLKA: 32 Hours (4 DENNÍ)

CENA: Kč bez DPH 40 000,00


Cena kurzu je 1 510 EUR a bude přepočtena aktuálním kurzem poslední den školení.

Tento čtyřdenní kurz je prvním krokem při poznávání Containers a Kubernetes Fundamentals a Cluster Operations. Prostřednictvím série přednášek a cvičení v labech jsou představeny základní koncepty kontejnerů a Kubernetes a uvedeny do praxe kontejnerizací a nasazením dvouvrstvé aplikace do Kubernetes.


By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
•  Build, test, and publish Docker container images
•  Become familiar with YAML files that define Kubernetes objects
•  Understand Kubernetes core user-facing concepts, including pods, services, and deployments
•  Use kubectl, the Kubernetes CLI, and become familiar with its commands and options
•  Understand the architecture of Kubernetes (Control plane and its components, worker nodes, and kubelet)
•  Learn how to troubleshoot issues with deployments on Kubernetes
•  Apply resource requests, limits, and probes to deployments
•  Manage dynamic application configuration using ConfigMaps and Secrets
•  Deploy other workloads, including DaemonSets, Jobs, and CronJobs
•  Learn about user-facing security using SecurityContext, RBAC, and NetworkPolicies

Určeno pro

Anyone who is preparing to build and run Kubernetes clusters

Vstupní znalosti

•  Linux concepts and command line proficiency
•  General networking proficiency


1  Course Introduction
•  Introductions and objectives

2  Containers
•  What and Why containers
•  Building images
•  Running containers
•  Registry and image management

3  Kubernetes Overview
•  Kubernetes project
•  Plugin interfaces
•  Building Kubernetes
•  Kubectl CLI

4  Beyond Kubernetes Basics
•  Kubernetes objects
•  Pods, replicas, and deployments
•  Services
•  Deployment management
•  Rolling updates
•  Controlling deployments
•  Pod and container configurations

5  Kubernetes Networking
•  Networking within a pod
•  Pod-to-Pod Networking
•  Services to Pods
•  ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer
•  Ingress controllers
•  Service Discovery via DNS

6  Stateful Applications in Kubernetes
•  Stateless versus Stateful
•  Volumes
•  Persistent volumes claims
•  StorageClasses
•  StatefulSets

7  Additional Kubernetes Considerations
•  Dynamic configuration
•  ConfigMaps
•  Secrets
•  Jobs, CronJobs

8  Security
•  Network policy
•  Applying a NetworkPolicy
•  SecurityContext
•  runAsUser/Group
•  Service accounts
•  Role-based access control

9  Logging and Monitoring
•  Logging for various objects
•  Sidecar logging
•  Node logging
•  Audit logging
•  Monitoring architecture
•  Monitoring solutions
•  Octant
•  VMware vRealize® Operations Manager™

10  Cluster Operations
•  Onboarding new applications
•  Backups
•  Upgrading
•  Drain and cordon commands
•  Impact of an upgrade to running applications
•  Troubleshooting commands
•  VMware Tanzu™ portfolio overview

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