DÉLKA: 16 Hours (2 DENNÍ)
CENA: Kč bez DPH 29 000,00
Cílem kurzu Check Point Certified Maestro Expert je poskytnout teoretické znalosti a praktické dovednosti potřebné pro nasazení, správu a řešení problémů v prostředí Check Point Maestro. Některá konfigurační cvičení jsou prováděna ve skupině a účastníci jsou rozděleni na dvě pracovní skupiny z důvodů omezeného počtu kusů fyzického hardwaru.
Kurz je svou složitostí koncipován nad úroveň CCSE Certified Expert Level. Doporučujeme tedy zájemcům mít CCSE certifikaci nebo ekvivalentní znalosti.
Omezení pro studenty, kteří jsou připojeni vzdáleně na Maestro školení
• Studenti se neúčastní zapojování maestra, fyzického kabelování a vysvělování základů pří práci s připojováním do produkce (je řešeno videm na youtube, které natočil Instruktor, a které bude sdíleno)
• Studenti se neúčastní přepojování architektury Maestra z single MHO na dual MHO (lab 7)
• Studenti neparticipují při konfiguračních labech, pouze se jim sdílí obrazovka studenta, který byl vybrán jako konfigurátor a který je fyzicky přítomen v učebně. Studenti mají přístup k Maestru a všem labům vzdáleně avšak nic nekonfigurují.
• Konfigurační laby 2,3,7
Describe the demand for scalable platforms.
Explain how Maestro uses the hyperscale technology.
Identify the primary features and components of the Maestro system.
Communicate the purpose of Maestro SecurityGroups (SGs), the Single Management Object (SMO), and the SMOMaster.
Identify the types of interfaces found in Maestro deployment.
Give examples of VLAN configuration enhancements for uplink ports.
Identify basic steps in an initial maestro implementation.
Discuss how to distribute files to all components and to specific components.
Explain why verifying changes by using self-tests is important
Demonstrate understanding of Maestro traffic distribution and flow.
Describe a scenario in which you would keep Layer 4 Distribution enabled.
List the four core diagnostic tools and what each of them is used for.
Describe how to use audit trails to troubleshoot problems in the system.
Describe different troubleshooting tools used at different OSI Layers.
Identify the benefits of a Dual Orchestrator environment.
Explain how Dual Orchestrators work with Multiple Security Groups.
Describe the procedures used to install an upgrade on Maestro.
Describe the ways to verify the installation is installed correctly.
Lab Exercises:
Creating Security Groups and the Single Management Object.
Working with Security Groups.
Analyzing the Distribution Layer.
Collecting System Diagnostics.
Troubleshooting Maestro Environments.
Deploying Dual Orchestrators.
This course is designed for technical specialists who manage the Check Point Maestro network security solution and need to understand the concept of this scalable platform. The candidate should ideally have at least 3 years of practical experience or at least a CCSE certification and more.
Solid knowledge of:
Unix-like and/or Windows OS, Internet, Networking Fundamentals, Networking Security, TCP/IP Networking.
Check Point training/certification:
Check Point Certified System Administrator (CCSA),
Check Point Certified Security Expert (CCSE).
Useful but not required:
Check Point Jump Start Maestro Hyperscale Network Security,
Check Point Certified Virtual System Extension (VSX) Specialist (CCVS),
and Check Point Certified Multi-Domain Security Management Specialist (CCMS).
Scalability and Hyperscale
Maestro Security Groups and the Single Management Object
Administrator Operations
Traffic Flow
System Diagnostics and Tracking Changes
Dual Orchestrator Environment
Dual Site Environment
Attend two Infinity Specialization courses and pass their exams to automatically become a Check Point Certified Security Master (CCSM).
Attend four Infinity Specialization courses and pass their exams to automatically become a Check Point Certified Security Master Elite (CCSM Elite).
Choose from the following Infinity Specialization courses:
Check Point Certified Harmony Endpoint Specialist (CCES)
Check Point Certified Troubleshooting Administrator (CCTA)
Check Point Certified Automation Specialist (CCAS)
Check Point Certified Cloud Specialist (CCCS)
Check Point Certified MDSM Specialist (CCMS)
Check Point Certified VSX Specialist (CCVS)
Check Point Certified Troubleshooting Expert (CCTE)
Check Point Certified Cloud Network Security Expert for AWS (CNSE-AWS)
Check Point Certified Cloud Network Security Expert for Azure (CNSE-AZURE)
Courseware format:
Please note that Check Point only offer e-kit courseware for training courses. Each delegate will be provided with an official set of e-kit courseware.