DÉLKA: 16 Hours (2 DENNÍ)
CENA: Kč bez DPH 25 500,00
Check Point Certified Troubleshooting Expert (CCTE) na tomto školení se naučíte pokročilé postupy pro řešení složitých problémů, které mohou nastat při správě prostředí. Naučíte se, jak provádět „deep troubleshoting“ pro jednotlivé komponenty systému.
• Demonstrate understanding how to use advanced troubleshooting tools and techniques including: Interpreting diagnostic data with CPInfo, Collecting and reading statistical data using CPView, and Advanced troubleshooting risks.
• Describe the use of Logs and SmartEvent in troubleshooting.
• Describe the log indexing system and issues that can occur.
• Discuss methods to troubleshoot log indexing in SmartLog and SmartEvent.
• Explain the databases used in Security Management operations.
• Identify common troubleshooting database issues.
• Discuss Management Processes.
• Demonstrate understanding of advance troubleshooting tools and techniques including:
o How the kernel handles traffic,
o How to troubleshoot issues using chain modules,
o How to use the two main procedures for debugging the Firewall kernel, and
o How the two main procedures for debugging the Firewall kernel differ.
• Demonstrate understanding of user mode debugging, including collecting and interpreting process debugs.
• Debug user mode processes.
• Discuss advanced Identity awareness troubleshooting.
• Learn to run debugs on Identity Awareness.
• Explain Unified Access Control flow and processes.
• Explain Access Control kernel debugs.
• Describe Access Control process debugs.
• Explain basic and advanced Site-to-Site VPN troubleshooting tools and techniques, including:
o Packet captures, IKE debugs, and VPN process debugs.
• Explain Client-to-Site VPN troubleshooting tools and techniques, including:
o Remote access troubleshooting and Mobile access troubleshooting.
A very advanced course for experts that introduces advanced troubleshooting and debugging methods at the firewall, kernel, and userspace levels. The candidate should ideally have at least 3 years of practical experience or at least a CCSE certification and more.
• Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques
• Advanced Logs and and Monitoring
• Management Database and Processes
• Advanced Kernel Debugging
• User Mode Troubleshooting
• Advanced Identity Awareness Troubleshooting
• Advanced Access Control
• Site-to-Site VPN Troubleshooting
• Client-to-Site VPN Troubleshooting
• Collecting and Reading CPInfo
• Collecting and Reading CPView Data
• Troubleshooting SmartLog
• Troubleshooting SmartEvent
• Troubleshooting Database Issues
• Debugging Security Gateway Kernel
• Debugging User Mode Processes
• Debugging Identity Awareness
• Debugging Unified Policy Inspection
• Troubleshooting Site-to-Site VPN
• Debugging Remote Access VPN
Attend two Infinity Specialization courses and pass their exams to automatically become a Check Point Certified Security Master (CCSM).
Attend four Infinity Specialization courses and pass their exams to automatically become a Check Point Certified Security Master Elite (CCSM Elite).
Choose from the following Infinity Specialization courses:
• Check Point Certified Endpoint Specialist (CCES)
• Check Point Certified Troubleshooting Administrator (CCTA)
• Check Point Certified Automation Specialist (CCAS)
• Check Point Certified Cloud Specialist (CCCS)
• Check Point Certified MDSM Specialist (CCMS)
• Check Point Certified VSX Specialist (CCVS)
• Check Point Certified Troubleshooting Expert (CCTE)
• Check Point Certified Maestro Expert (CCME)
Prepare for exam #156.585 at www.vue.com/checkpoint
Full information on Check Point’s Certification Program can be viewed at https://www.checkpoint.com/downloads/training/check-point-certification-faq.pdf